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ramana maharshi | who am I? | guru | self-enquiry | spiritual instruction | wisdom | words | silence | daily talks | reality | padam - formless self | arunachala
abide in the self | upadesa tiruvahaval | annamalai swami | self alone is real | swami rama tirtha | real self | i am that | practical freedom | sun of self
h.w.l. poonja | freedom now | remembering | meeting ramana | who is aware of consciousness? | who are you? | words | no practice | final abode | lion's roar
eternal rest | peace is always everywhere | plunge into eternity | i am eternal self | summa iru | wisdom | here and now in lucknow | reject everything
ma anandamayi | words | old tcheng | sayings | siddharameshwar maharaj | beyond nothing | perfection of material science | master key | non-action | self
nisargadatta maharaj | words | a great maharashtrian jnani | self-knowledge and self-realisation | meet the sage | detachment | awareness | who am I?
life | "i am" | all is a dream | guru and disciple | ranjit maharaj | meeting siddharameshwar | everything is nothing | forget everything | death is not true
real and unreal | u.g. krishnamurti | natural state | words | remembering | no separation | nothing to understand | chief joseph | way of the warrior
advaita | vedanta | devikalottara | supreme wisdom | atma sakshatkar | direct awareness of the self | vichara mani mala | jewel garland of enquiry
avadhuta gita | ever-free | ashtavakra gita | purest expression of truth | ribhu gita | heart | wisdom | bhagavad gita | essence | the song celestial
adi shankaracharya | atma bodha | aparokshanubhuti | dakshinamurti strotram | dasasloki | nirvana shatkam | drik drisya viveka | vivekachudamani
seng tsan | faith mind | gaudapada | mandukya karika | katha upanishad | death as teacher | yoga vasistha | dispassion | seeker's behaviour | essence
ramakant maharaj | reality has nothing to do with words | lama guendune rinpoché | free and easy | ellam ondre | all is one | william samuel | now



Let there be peace and love among all beings of the universe. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

If you did not love the supreme Reality
You did not do anything at all.
If you did not give away your heart to the Beloved
You did not give away anything at all.

I have no scruple of change, nor fear of death,
Nor was I ever born,
Nor had I parents.
I am existence Absolute, knowledge Absolute, bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

I cause no misery, nor am I miserable;
I have no enemy, nor am I enemy.
I am existence Absolute, knowledge Absolute, bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

I am without form, without limit,
Beyond space, beyond time,
I am in everything, everything is in me.
I am the bliss of the universe,
Everywhere am I.
I am existence Absolute, knowledge Absolute, bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

I am without body or change of the body,
I am neither senses, nor object of the senses,
I am existence Absolute, knowledge Absolute, bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

I am neither sin, nor virtue,
Nor temple, nor worship,
Nor pilgrimage, nor books.
I am existence Absolute, knowledge Absolute, bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That.



Having seen the Friend in myself,
As if reflected in a clear mirror,
I am speechless with joy,
Dumb with amazement.
When I wept and cried
"Do not forget me",
He lifted the veil
And ruthlessly destroyed duality.
All memory was then at an end.
When I asked how pain and pleasure
Can be brought to an end forever?
The Friend warmly locked me in his embrace
Saying "Thus".
Man and woman alike
Are sweltering in the heat;
I know that this heat is my glory.
As the morning sun
Scatters the stars,
So have I put to flight
Both this world and the next,
Mere idle dreams of nescience.

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