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ramana maharshi | padamalai | heart is thy name, oh lord | absolute consciousness | the power of the presence – part 1
the power of the presence – part 2 | the power of the presence – part 3 | sri ramana darsanam | ramana puranam | the shining of my lord
annamalai swami | final talks | h.w.l. poonja | the truth is | wake up and roar | the fire of freedom | nothing ever happened | papaji – interviews
siddharameshwar maharaj | supreme accomplishmant | master of self-realization | amrut laya – volume 1 | amrut laya – volume 2 | amrut laya – volume 3
ramakant maharaj | selfless self | ranjit maharaj | you are the one in all | illusion versus reality – part 1 | illusion versus reality – part 2 |
anandamayi ma | matri darshan | life and teachings | vimala thakar | insights into the bhagavad gita | on an eternal voyage | kabir | couplets from kabir
vedanta | the song of ribhu | gayatri | tripura rahasya | edith hathaway | in search of destiny | vaidya atreya smith | dravyaguna for westerners


Let there be peace and love among all beings of the universe. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Recorded in Tamil by Muruganar | First English Translation
Translated by Dr T.V. Venkatasubramanian, Robert Butler and David Godman
Edited and annotated by David Godman

"What is always natural to everyone is liberation, which is bliss. Bondage is delusion of mind, a false sensation. The ego alone is bondage, and one's own true nature, free of the contagion of the ego, is liberation. There is no greater deception than believing that liberation, which is ever present as one's own nature, will be attained at some later stage. Even the desire for liberation is the work of delusion. Therefore, remain still."

Padamalai is a Tamil work that contains almost 2,000 teaching statements by Ramana Maharshi, none of which has ever appeared in English before. They were recorded by Muruganar, one of Sri Ramana's foremost disciples, in two-line couplets.
David Godman, who has written several books on Ramana Maharshi and his disciples, has edited this English edition of Padamalai. He has arranged the teachings by subject, and he has added many supplementary quotations by Sri Ramana that amplify or explain the subject matter.
This is a completely new presentation of Ramana Maharshi's teachings that contains many statements and ideas by him that have never appeared in any other book about him.

396 pages | 22,00 € 15,00 € (slightly damaged) | 550 g

Moments of Silence with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Foreword by Vimala Thakar

The Maharshi, Bhagavan Sri Ramana was drawn to Arunachala hill in his seventeenth year, after a spiritually awakening death experience. For the rest of his life, till the body was shed fifty years later, he never left his beloved hill. People from far and near came to his presence and were spiritually enriched.
His divine presence continues to be felt and his universal philosophy attracts an ever-growing following.
This book is a selection of his teachings arranged with beautiful full-page photographs, and is intended to help the mind turn inward and abide in deep Silence awaiting each of us.

Oh Arunachala! In Thee the picture of the universe is formed,
has its stay, and is dissolved;
this is the sublime truth.
Thou art the inner Self, who dancest in the Heart as 'I'.
'Heart' is Thy name, Oh Lord!

108 pages | including 50 photographs | 10,00 € | 495 g


"The seen is not different from the seer. What exists is the one Self, not the seer and seen. The seen regarded as Self is real."

This book contains some of the precious, direct and profound teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. The book is divided into three parts. The first part contains his main teaching, Nan Yar [Who Am I?], the direct path and consciousness. The second part concerns the eternal, unlimited, unchanging consciousness. The final part consists of Self-enquiry, ego, mind, rebirth and other subjects. Through Self-enquiry, one is able to bypass the endless thought pressures and remain in the the natural state of happiness and Self-knowledge. There are also about 50 photographs of Bhagavan Ramana.

200 pages | 7,00 € | 255 g

RAMANA  MAHARSHI                                                            3 VOLUMES
THE POWER OF THE PRESENCE | PART 1                  *** temporarily unavailable ***
Transforming encounters with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Edited by David Godman

What was it like to live with and be guided by Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the greatest sages that India has ever produced? In Part One of this new anthology eight devotees narrate their personal stories that chronicle in detail how Bhagavan's power and grace had transformed their lives. The devotees are Rangan, Sivaprakasam Pillai, Akhilandamma, Sadhu Natanananda, N. R. Krishnamurti Aiyer, Chalam, Souris and Swami Madhavatirha. Most of these accounts have never before appeared in English. This book shows the many different relationships Bhagavan had with devotees who had widely differing backgrounds and who in many cases surrendered their lives to him.

"Going through these accounts again, some of which I have not read for more than tens years, I can only marvel at the awesome, effortless power that flowed from Bhagavan and transformed the lives and hearts of those who were pulled into his orbit. When I first came across some of these stories, I felt as if I had discovered buried treasure. Now, many years later, I feel that the time is now right to put this treasure into the public domain so that everyone who feels drawn to Sri Bhagavan can have a share in it."
David Godman

294 pages | 17,00 € | 425 g

THE POWER OF THE PRESENCE | PART 2                  *** temporarily unavailable ***
Transforming encounters with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Edited by David Godman

In Part Two of this new anthology six devotees narrate their lengthy first-person accounts of how their lives were transformed by Ramana Maharshi. The devotees are Kunju Swami, Muruganar, T. P. Ramachandra Iyer, Chhaganlal V. Yogi, Lakshmana Swamy and Viswanatha Swami.

"I was a learned fool. My flawed mind knew nothing till I came to dwell with Him whose glance filled my heart with the light of awareness. Dwelling in that gracious state of peace, whose nature is holy silence, so hard to gain and know, I entered into union with the deathless sate of knowledge of Reality."

269 pages | 17,00 € | 375 g

Transforming encounters with Sri Ramana Maharshi
Edited by David Godman

In this third and final volume, David Godman has included an anthology of the lives and experiences of a number of outstanding devotees of Ramana Maharshi who never recorded their own stories. These devotees include Ramanatha Brahmachari, Mastan, Lakshmi the cow, Echammal, Mudaliar Patti, Krishna Bhikshu, Wolter Keers, G.V. Subbaramayya and Natesa Iyer. They all exemplify the highest quality of devotion to their Guru. Also included is a chapter by Lakshman Sarma that contains an excellent summary of many aspects of Bhagavan's teachings. This text is written in verse form and contains many of Bhagavan's direct quotations.

"The transforming glance of the sage of Arunachala penetrated my heart in a way that I, a worthless soul without true love, was redeemed completely. Through its action I was transformed into the state of Shiva."
Ramanatha Brahmachari

346 pages | 17,00 € | 475 g

By Sadhu Natanananda
Translated by Dr Venkatasubramanian | Edited by David Godman

"When the glittering sun appears, no stars are seen. Similarly, when my godliness arose, no thought appeared."

Sadhu Natanananda was a distinguished Tamil scholar and devotee who first met Bhagavan in Skandashram. His collection of dialogues with Bhagavan – Upadesa Manjari in Tamil and Spiritual Instructions in English – has appeared in several editions of Bhagavan's own Collected Works. Sadhu Natanananda also edited Vichara Sangraham [Self-Enquiry] in both the essays and question-and-answer formats. Bhagavan also gave him the job of arranging the verses of Guru Vachaka Kovai, Muruganar's authoritative compendium of Bhagavan's teachings.
This work, Sri Ramana Darsanam, is a penetrating analysis of Bhagavan's life and teachings, illustrated by many quotations and stories that have never appeared in English before. Also included are two long poems that Natanananda wrote in the 1950's which explain key points of Bhagavan's teaching and give intimate details of Natanananda's own inner experiences.

146 pages | 11,50 € | 275 g

Composed by Sri Ramana Maharshi and Sri Muruganar
Edited and Translated by Dr T.V. Venkatasubramanian, Robert Butler and David Godman

In the 1920's and 30's Muruganar wrote Sri Ramana Sannidhi Murai, an anthology of devotional poems in praise of Bhagavan that was modelled on the Tiruvachakam of Manikkavachagar.
While he was composing, in Bhagavan’s presence, the poem that would eventually be called Ramana Puranam, he took a break to go out and think about the title. When he returned to the hall, he was astonished to discover that Bhagavan had not only named the poem Ramana Puranam by writing this title on every page of the manuscript, he had also completed it by composing and adding about 300 extra lines. In his contribution to Ramana Puranam Bhagavan not only continued with some of Muruganar’s own devotional themes, he also expanded the range of the work by including many lines that summarised key aspects of his own teachings, particularly ideas that he had written about in Ulladu Narpadu. This work, larger than any of Bhagavan's other poetical works, has languished in an undeserved obscurity for many decades, accessible only to those few who knew enough literary Tamil to read the original.

104 pages | 11,50 € | 215 g

Selected Verses from Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham and Other Muruganar Texts
Composed by Muruganar
Translated by Dr T.V. Venkatasubramanian, Robert Butler and David Godman
Edited and annotated by David Godman

When Muruganar passed away in 1973, the task of preserving and organising the approximately 20,000 verses of his that had yet to be published fell to Sadhu Om, his literary executor. Over the next decade he edited this body of work, eventually bringing it out in a series of nine Tamil volumes entitled Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham. This title can be translated as The Experience of Jnana Bestowed by Sri Ramana, or Experiencing the Jnana that is Sri Ramana.
Padamalai, a collection of Bhagavan’s sayings recorded by Muruganar, is the only substantial part of Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham that has so far appeared in English. It was published in 2003 and is available
The Shining of my Lord is an anthology of just over 1,000 Muruganar verses that have primarily been taken from the first eight volumes of Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham. They have been selected, translated and edited by T.V. Venkatasubramanian and David Godman. The book also includes a long introductory biography that chronicles Muruganar’s association with Sri Ramana Maharshi and the literary works that were the fruit of that relationship.
Unlike Padamalai, where the emphasis is on recording Bhagavan’s teachings, the theme of this new book is the state of liberation that Sri Ramana bestowed on Muruganar. In verse after verse Muruganar attempts to describe the state of the Self and the grace of his Guru, Sri Ramana, which enabled him to become established in it.

279 pages | 16,50 € | 515 g

Edited by David Godman

"Forgetfulness or non-forgetfulness is not a part of your destiny. It is something you choose from moment to moment. That is what Bhagavan [Ramana Maharshi] said. He said that you have the freedom either to identify with the Self and have the understanding that the body is performing its predestined activities, animated and sustained by the power of the Self, or you can identify with the activities of the body and the mind, and in doing so forget the Self. If you choose the latter course, don't blame God or God's will, or predestination. God did not make you forget the Self. You yourself are making that choice every second of your life."

Annamalai Swami came to Ramana Maharshi in 1928 and spent nearly all of the following ten years serving him, initially as his attendant, and subsequently as the supervisor of all the building projects that Sri Ramanasramam undertook during this period.
In 1995, the year that Annamalai Swami passed away at the age of eighty-nine, audio recordings were made of the dialogues that he held with those coming to him for spiritual instructions between March and October. This small, powerful book is therefore an edited record of what turned out to be the last six months of Annamalai Swami's teaching career. His teachings were uncompromising, straightforward, and rarely deviated from a solid core of advice that he himself had been given by his own Guru. However, they were delivered with a force and a gentle humour that was irresistibly attractive.

99 pages | 11,50 € | 240 g


This is a collection of spontaneous discourses, from 1990 to 1996, between Poonjaji and visitor's coming to him for guidance. Through his responses, Poonja reveals thousands of ways to help us enquire into who we really are – pure love and consciousness, the totality of existence. Bringing our awareness into the infinity of the moment, we are finally ready to surrender to the wisdom of our Truth.

Satguru is within your own Self and nowhere else.
Your Satguru dwells in your heart
and in the heart of all beings.
Since you don't understand his language,
by Grace he takes a form to point you within.
The Maharshi often would say,
"The real Guru is within."

Question : Why am I so insecure?
Papaji : Because you are depending on something that is not secure itself and therefore you cannot be happy!

553 pages | including 26 photographs | 29,00 € | 850 g


"For an enlightened being there is no consideration of past or future. No consideration is given to the fruits of action. Rather, action is taken in each moment from Emptiness. The fruits will take of themselves."

This book introduces to the world an extraordinary development. Full awakening is possible here and now for everybody, regardless of background, practice or personal circumstances. This possibility is the teaching and transmission of Sri H.W.L. Poonja. Inspired by his teacher, Ramana Maharshi, Poonjaji leads one on to the Source – the Self, through conversations, in the form of questions and answers. The approach is simple and direct.
Many people have experienced glimpses of the Truth through psychedelics or meditating or unexpected moments of bliss. Yet, because of incorrect understanding, these moments usually get incorporated into the ego as just another experience. There is an unspoken belief that it is not possible to be totally awakened in this lifetime. Wake Up and Roar announces the possibility of true freedom now. No postponement or practice necessary! This is Sri Poonjaji's gift to the world.

''The Self contains everything. There is nothing apart from it. This is why you can call it Emptiness. There is nothing beyond Emptiness.''

320 pages
| including 25 photographs | 25,00 € | 630 g

H. W. L.  POONJA                                                                   READ AN EXCERPT
Satsang with Papaji
Edited by David Godman

"If someone tells you something, don't accept it because no teaching has so far touched the Truth. This much I will tell you. No one ever spoke the Truth. No word has ever been coined to present it."

Sri H.W.L. Poonja, known in his later years by the title 'Papaji', has been one of the most influential spiritual figures of modern times. A disciple of the great South Indian Guru Sri Ramana Maharshi, Papaji brought the teachings of his own master to new generations of seekers in the decades that followed Sri Ramana's passing away in 1950.
After an incident-packed and peripatetic life that took him all over the world, Papaji finally settled down in Lucknow, North India, where he gave daily satsangs throughout the 1990's. His teaching, succinctly and trenchantly expressed in this completely new collection of teaching dialogues between Papaji and visitors who came to see him in Lucknow in the middle of 1991. At that time only about fifteen people would come each day, and all the satsangs were held in the living room of Papaji's house.
In these conversations Papaji explains the practical teachings of his master, Ramana Maharshi, in a simple and forceful way. As he engages his visitors in discussions about the nature of spiritual freedom and the means by which it can be discovered, he is always looking for an opportunity to take his questioners back to the source of their minds so that they can find out for themselves, by direct experience, what he is trying to show them.

"You have to wake up yourself; you have to see for yourself. The senses are not needed, nor are the eyes. The eyes cannot see it; the mind cannot understand it; the intellect cannot grasp it. None of these will accompany you. You have to be alone without these things. You have to proceed alone. None of the five elements will accompany you. You will go alone to meet this situation, but what it is, no one knows. "

291 pages
| including 20 colour photographs | 18,00 € | 445 g

H. W. L.  POONJA                                                            3 VOLUMES
A three-volume biography of Poonjaji
By David Godman

"Nothing has ever happened. Nothing has ever existed. The world never came into existence or disappeared from it. That place is my real home. It is where I always am. One can say this with authority only when one abides in that ultimate Place."

A massive biography of Papaji, a disciple of Ramana Maharshi and one of the most influential advaitic teachers of modern times. In addition to the biographical narrative that spans more than eighty years of his action-packed life, there are teaching dialogues, extensive extracts from Papaji's diaries and letters, along with many accounts by devotees who were utterly transformed by him.
The first volume covers the early years of his life, his meeting with his master, Ramana Maharshi, and other teachers as well as his teaching and encounters with South Indian devotees. The second volume begins with his life in Rishikesh in the 60's and 70's. It moves on to his foreign travels and has teachings dialogues that took place in the 70's. The third volume is about his meetings with devotees in the 70's and 80's. It contains numerous extracts from his personal diaries and detailed explanations about the Guru-disciple relationship. In Sri Poonja's presence and through his dynamic transmissions, countless people have been made aware of the impersonal reality that underlies the world and all phenomenal experiences. This is the definitive account of Papaji's life.

1297 pages | 29,00 € | 2100 g

Edited by David Godman

Papaji: Interviews contains diverse interviews that foreign devotees and journalists had with Papaji between 1990 and 1993. All of them give an excellent introduction to Papaji's teachings. The book also contains a fifty page biography of Papaji, contributed by the editor, which focuses on Papaji's early life and his relationship with Ramana Maharshi.

Question: Is there not something a person can do in the way of spiritual practice in order to prepare himself or herself?

Papaji: This is postponement, no? Postponement. One who says, "I have to prepare myself" is deceiving himself, fooling himself. Whatever can be done tomorrow can also be done today.

305 pages | 16,00 € | 400 g

Lectures on Non-Duality

Siddharameshwar Maharaj was born in 1888 in Pathri, in the state of Maharashtra. His teacher, Bhausaheb Maharaj, taught meditation as a means of attaining Self-knowledge. Following his full understanding of himself, Siddharameshwar Maharaj for his part developed a more direct teaching which he called the "path of knowledge" or "path of the bird". The basis of this teaching is the philosophy of non-duality which states that in Reality there is only the One and nothing else.
Siddharameshwar Maharaj left his body in 1936, at the age of 48, after leading many disciples to ultimate understanding. Among them Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ranjit Maharaj, contemporary masters who have both adapted their teaching to a wider audience of Indian but also Western disciples.
Each of the 23 chapters of this book corresponds to a discourse or commentaries on texts [Yoga Vasistha or Dasbodh] given for the most part in 1928.

"When the power of the Sadguru is with you, what control will laws or the accounts of destiny have over you? You will have become the Lord and all your outstanding accounts of sins and virtues will not remain. Understand, you are the King! Even when you go out hunting, still you are the King. You are that God of the gods, so why do these notions like circumstance, auspicious and inauspicious remain? You are that Lord, this whole world is His house and He has built it out of Himself and for His own pleasure. For Him there are no laws, just total freedom!
There is one truly unavoidable principle and that is, you become whatever you believe you are. Therefore, do not forget your own Self. 'I am that Supreme Self and everything gets accomplished through the authority of my knowledge.'
Without this conviction, you turn this knowledge 'I am' into useless, empty promises. Therefore increase your Self-conviction every moment and do not descend from the King's throne! When He sits upon His throne, His sovereign authority is carried out effortlesslyand naturally, and because you are Brahman, there will be no law for you. No laws are without Him, but He is above and beyond and exempt from His laws.
If you cherish and nurture this conviction that you are the Self, this conviction will keep growing stronger and stronger. If you treasure this understanding offered to you by your guru, or Self, for they are both the same, you will be liberated."

224 pages | 18,50 € | 430 g

The Spiritual Science of Self-knowledge
The Stateless State | Discourses on Dasbodh
"Detachment is absence of even a single desire. This leads to fearlessness. Otherwise, there is no freedom from fear for you. One should not depend on others, as in the case where one thinks : 'If I do not get anything to eat I will die.' Desire for the bliss of the Self, is desire for the bliss within. People who hoard millions and then go about telling others the knowledge of Reality do not do good to themselves, instead they commit fraud."

Siddharameshwar Maharaj, the master of Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ranjit Maharaj changed his own master's traditional way of teaching through meditation [pipilika marg] called the ant's way into the bird's way [vihangam marg], which uses thinking to overcome ignorance. He preached the more direct Bird's Way in very simple and lucid language. Siddharameshwar Maharaj also wanted the understanding of final Reality to be accessible to all, so he refused to use complicated or technical language and used examples taken from daily life. He taught that the sat-chit-ananda stage [the source of knowledge or consciousness] is still an illusion. Reality is beyond both ignorance and knowledge. He first taught by way of knowledge and then told his disciples to renounce the world, because renunciation without knowledge has no value. Finally, he told them to renounce the renunciation because that is also ego based. This teaching enabled them to understand that the world starts from 'zero' [knowledge] and ends in 'zero', so when it is nothing, what is there to renounce? One then re-enters the illusory world convinced that it is nothing but 'zero'.
Written in the 17th century by Swami Samarth Ramdas, Dasbodh captures the essence of Upanishadic thought: the Reality of the all-pervading Oneness. The essential merit of Amrut Laya lies in the fact that Siddharameshwar Maharaj interpreted the seemingly esoteric and abstract teachings of Dasbodh in a lucid manner to facilitate understanding by even those without formal education. This book is ideally aimed at the seeker, who having tired of the transience of this phenomenal existence, strives to know the original cause of his creation.

200 pages | 8,00 € | 265 g

The Spiritual Science of Self-knowledge
The Stateless State | Discourses on Dasbodh

"All pride must vanish. 'I am the body, my wealth, my son, I am a person with status, my wife, my relatives'. So long as all these ideas exist, there cannot be real knowledge. After realisation of the Self, the aspirant regards his master as the greatest of all. He feels that he belongs to the master."

This volume is a companion to the first volume entitled Amrut Laya, The Stateless State. That first volume contains the the great work of distinction written by Siddharameshwar Maharaj entitled Master Key to Self-Realisation as well as the transcribed notes from 50 lectures given by Siddharameshwar Maharaj on various themes from Dasbodh.
This second volume of Amrut Laya contains transcribed notes of 88 additional lectures. This text is a great treasure-house of spiritual enlightenment and "Knowledge of Self" that has been imparted by Siddharameshwar Maharaj. In this book, he elaborates on various spiritual principles that are presented in selections from three main classic texts : Dasbodh, Yoga Vasistha and Eknathi Bhagawat. He gives details explanations of many principles of vedantic philosophy in a clear, simple language. Most importantly he describes the nature of the Self [Atman], Brahman, dispels ignorance with knowledge [jnana], and then tells us to cast off even that knowledge. He directs the reader to that indescribable Parabrahman which is our true form.

"Spiritual knowledge, unsupported by worship is baseless. If there is no devotion, there is no knowledge. Devotion is the mother of knowledge. Without the master's grace, there is no knowledge. When will the master's grace flow? Only through steadfast devotion. Then, even mud will turn into gold. The Satguru is your protector. Why bother about others when the Satguru is your guardian?"

151 pages | 8,00 € | 265 g

AMRUT LAYA | VOLUME 3                                        *** temporarily unavailable ***
A Collection of Talks

"All this belongs to Paramatman. Let things take their own course, what is it to me? Whatever happens, whatever is lost, it is none of my concern."

This third volume of Amrut Laya contains transcribed notes of 68 additional lectures between 1928 and 1930. These teachings lead one directly to the source of one's being.

"There are only two states in this world: existence and non-existence. It is you who continues to believe in the existence of the 'dream-mind'. Keep telling yourself that it does not exist and watch it melt away. The same goes for the creation, the world. What is the harm in calling it 'dust'? If you call it 'dust', all concepts will collapse. By breaking down the walls of the mind, you become Parabrahman himself. You will no longer consider yourself to be a small creature. Your search for God and happiness ends. You are the Ultimate, Parabrahman."

194 pages | 12,00 € | 300 g

RAMAKANT  MAHARAJ                                                            READ AN EXCERPT
Talks with Sri Ramakant Maharaj

"Invite your attention towards yourself seriously and you will come to know that there is no God except yourself."

Sri Ramakant Maharaj is a direct disciple of the late Nisargadatta Maharaj and spent 19 years with him. For over a decade at the ashram in Nashik Road, Ramakant Maharaj has been meeting with devotees from around the world to clear their doubts about Reality. His teachings are radical and direct, cutting through all the illusory layers of concepts until the conviction "I am nothing" is firmly established. From this, the true knowledge "I am everything" naturally shines forth.

"You have arrived. You have arrived at the destination because you are Final Truth, you are Ultimate Truth. Unfortunately, you are not accepting the Ultimate Truth, and that is the problem. The same principle, the same thing is being placed before you again and again, in different words, different sentences, using different stories, but the principle is one. Except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no master. You are your own master. You are your own Paramatman. But since you are measuring yourself in the body-form, you are unaware of your Ultimate Truth. You have to stand on your own feet. You are not handicapped. All this body-knowledge has made you view yourself as disabled, disadvantaged, incapable. The master says: "You are not disabled at all. You can walk using your own legs. Remove these artificial limbs. You have to learn to stand on your own two feet." You must have courage! It is a lack of courage and a lack of confidence that leads to problems : "Oh I am weak." Jump in and swim! This is the only way you can be strong. The swimming teacher throws the child into the water, and then, next moment, he is swimming. His confidence grows. The master is creating confidence in you."

502 pages | 23,30 € | 780 g

An Ancient Teaching of Oneness

"Only the one who can mentally leave everything can understand. The one who holds on will never understand. The serpent bites the one who holds it, not the one who leaves it alone. All the objects of the world bite you because you hold on to them. A realised person leaves things alone, so he is untouched. For him there is no joy nor sorrow, no sin nor virtue, nothing auspicious nor inauspicious, no birth nor death, no bondage nor liberation. He is the One in many. He is everywhere; there is nothing else other than him."

Ranjit Maharaj was born in Mumbai, India, in 1913 and was a disciple of Siddharameshwar Maharaj and co-disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj. He always attributed his Self-realisation to the greatness of his master. He began to teach in 1983, and over the years, many seekers came to his small room in Mumbai to have him answer their many questions on Reality.
Maharaj's teaching is direct and straight to the point. As long as there is a sense of duality, no happiness is possible. Duality comes when you identify with the body. The "I am the body" thought gives birth to the ego, the self, which is an isolated and separate entity perpetually seeking security. There is a constant fear of insecurity which is inbuilt in duality, and so, true happiness can never be attained until duality has been rejected.
Prior to the "I am the body" thought, you are "one without a second". In this oneness state there is no fear, no insecurity, no separateness, no isolation and no duality. It is beyond consciousness and unconsciousness. That is your true nature. It is the Stateless State, the embodiment of exceptional happiness and peace. So, reject duality and accept Oneness to experience ever-lasting peace.
This book, rather than simply being a collection of Maharaj's discourses, also gives a glimpse of what it was like to be with Maharaj each day. Maharaj left his body in 2000 and his teachings live on in the hearts and minds of his disciples worldwide.

330 pages | 19,20 € | 570 g

Dialogues with Ranjit Maharaj on the Stateless State

"Death is to the body. You are not the body. What comes must go, but you are ever there. Electricity doesn't worry if a bulb goes off. Put in another bulb and you get the light. You are everywhere. You are the source of everything. How can you die? Master makes you He [Reality], no death for you. I still go ahead and say this is a dead body at the moment. Power is connected, it speaks. In a fraction of a second power can be disconnected. Be He, that's the main point."

Between 1996 and his demise in 2000, Ranjit Maharaj was invited to Europe and America several times to answer seekers' questions about Reality. This book is a compilation of dialogues on the 'Stateless State' which took place in various countries.
Ranjit Maharaj met his master, Siddharameshwar Maharaj at the age of 12. His teaching, given in the spirit of his master's, makes no concession for the ego and aims only at pure Self-knowledge and freedom.

220 pages | 8,00 € | 325 g

Dialogues with Ranjit Maharaj on the Stateless State

"One who goes to the depth of the ocean gets the pearl. Go to the depth of yourself and He [Reality] remains. One who gets the understanding doesn't feel anything. Whatever happens, let it happen, it's okay."

Ranjit Maharaj was born in Bombay on January 4th 1913. In 1924, at the age of 12, he met his master Siddharameshwar Maharaj, a great unknown master of the age. Ranjit Maharaj only began teaching in 1983 at the age of 70 when increasing numbers of seekers kept showing up at his door. The teaching of Ranjit Maharaj is in the continuity of his master's, with no concession for the ego and aiming only at pure Self-knowledge and freedom. This book gives a straight forward and comprehensive knowledge of Reality in the form of questions and answers which took place in Bombay and Europe from February 15th, 1999 until July 26th, 2000, less than four months before he passed away.

215 pages | 8,00 € | 270 g

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A photo-album about Shri Anandamayi Ma

Once Paramahansa Yogananda asked Anandamayi Ma to tell him something of her life. Ma replied:

"Father, there is little to tell. My consciousness has never associated itself with this temporary body. Before I came on this earth, Father, 'I was the same'. I grew into womanhood, but still 'I was the same'. When the family in which I had been born made arrangements to have this body married, 'I was the same'. And, Father, in front of you now, 'I am the same'. Even afterwards, though the dance of creation changes around me in the hall of eternity, 'I shall be the same'."

The central theme of Anandamayi Ma's teaching, in endless variations, is : "The Supreme calling of every human being is to aspire to Self-realisation." Anandamayi Ma's life was centered on God, and this centeredness is felt through her words and portraits.
This beautiful book contains 77 beautiful photographs [in black & white and in colour] of Ma throughout her life. Each photograph includes quotes of her teachings in English, German and French.

171 pages | including 77 photographs | 25,00 € | 600 g

By Dr Alexander Lipski

"Seeing the radiant face of Anandamayi Ma and hearing her laughter you guess that she is an incarnation of joy. Touched by the caress of her glance you know that her heart is overflowing with love for all beings. Listening to her teaching so simple and clear you understand that she is in possession of all wisdom. But one cannot say whether it is joy, love or wisdom that is the source of all this for with her all three are inextricably and indissolubly mingled one could not exist without the others.
The joy which Anandamayi Ma lives is not that which we know in worldly life, where pleasure and pain, hope, regret and disillusionment, attraction and repulsion follow on each other's heels, born one of another. Nor is it an egocentric calm of stoic rigidity that erects around itself an rampart of indifference. Hers is an overflowing, irrepressible joy that expresses itself in gaiety, that knows no obstacles, because it is deeply rooted in the Absolute, beyond the dualities of good and evil, of 'I' and 'not-I', of pleasant and unpleasant, because its unshakeable base is love and wisdom."

Dr Lipski spent time with Anandamayi Ma [1896-1982] and is well acquainted with her life and teaching. This book is both an introduction and a deepening into who she was.

75 pages | 5,00 € | 250 g


"In order to remain in the state of non-duality, in order to remain merged in the supreme cosmic intelligence, as a drop of water remains merged in the ocean, it is necessary to educate ourselves not to be harassed and tortured by the thought process."

Vimala Thakar gave a series of inspired talks on the Bhagavad Gita to a group of Yoga teachers, in three separate seminars, during 1992 and 1993 while she was visiting Italy. To her the Bhagavad Gita is very sacred because it deals with the organic wholeness of life; and the inbuilt complexity of life. It affirms the interplay between the microcosm and macrocosm and persuades us to remain united with the ultimate reality, not only to intellectual understanding, but through everything that we do, at every moment. Thus, the deepest spiritual insight concerning the Bhagavad Gita are presented, herein, into the words full of clarity and compassion.

374 pages | 12,00 € | 690 g


"To respond to every thing around me is fulfilment. To walk austerely through pain and pleasure, beauty and ugliness, joy and sadness of life, is living in silence. The spontaneous movement of silence is meditation."

This book tells us how Vimala Thakar set upon an inward journey to freedom. It also contains the verbatim report of some of her talks with J. Krishnamurti concerning human transformation. After 8 years work in the land-gift-mission in India, Vimala Thakar set out to speak about the necessity of total inward revolution.

"Since childhood the Unknown has haunted me. The known world has absolutely no attraction for me. The visible and the known were nothing more than the shadow of the invisible; the shadow of the Unknown. Some years ago my romance with the Unknown came to an end. This book contains the story of its abrupt end. The abrupt end has meant the beginning of a new life. This life seems to have no purpose; no direction whatsoever; it has not indicated any pattern yet. The only thing I can say is - it is overwhelmingly fresh; it is unbelievably new; the freshness and the newness keep one ever alert, ever keen and ever insecure. Though the journey has come to an end, I have not arrived. Perhaps there is nowhere to arrive. Perhaps there is no static destination. It seems to me that life is its own purpose; life is its own direction. Life is dynamic and those who live are on an eternal voyage."
- Introduction

69 pages | 4,00 € | 120 g

Edited, translated and compiled by G.N. Das

Who with love befriends you
Accept him with open arms
Who comes to you with crookedness
Keep him at arm's distance.

The poems and songs of the fifteenth century saint-poet Kabir, who belonged to both Muslim and Hindu communities, are widely read around the world and acknowledged for their depth in truth, fervour and poetic quality.
This book presents three hundred couplets in rhymed English verse translation besides a few lines in prose by G.N. Das.

132 pages | 7,00 € | 380 g

Translated from the Original Tamil Version

"Truth transcends all thought, speech, and the printed word. It transcends all ideas and even silence. It is inconceivable, yet it alone is. As it is the very being of all, it is known as the Self. There are none who know it, and there are none who do not know it. There is nothing that is it, yet nothing that is not it. Those who seek to realise it find it abiding within themselves as the one Self, free of a separate realiser, any notion of an object realised, and all dualism. The realisation of the Self, by which is meant the absolute Reality, is a matter of Self-knowledge. For those who recognise the vital importance of Self-realisation, this text was composed in ancient times. It was intended, and remains, as a sign pointing to the Truth of the Self, as an explanation of what the Self, the Absolute, truly is, and as an aid to meditation for those who look to their own being, or consciousness, to awaken from the dream of illusion to the ever-existent Reality."

The Tamil translation of the Ribhu Gita was first published in 1885. The final verse of each chapter of the Tamil version differs dramatically from the final verse of each chapter of the Sanskrit version. While the Sanskrit verses refer to Shiva, the Tamil version specifies Nataraja, a specific form of Shiva in dancing pose. Furthermore, the Tamil version displays an evident focus on summarising in the final verse of the chapter essential points proclaimed in each chapter.

760 pages | 25,00 € | 1310 g

By Sadguru Sant Keshavadas

In Yoga, the mantra is a mystical formula, an incarnation, which aids the individual to liberate the self and attain bliss and ultimate fulfilment. This book describes the Gayatri, the mantra which helps the higher man to be born in us all. In India, it is said that there is no greater meditation than the Gayatri meditation. Sant Keshavadas profoundly tells the meaning and many facets [water rites, sitting posture, time, atmosphere, breath control, pronunciation of sacred sounds] of this ancient meditation. The sages of the Himalaya have demonstrated to the world at large that one can live a long life with perfect health by meditating on the Gayatri mantra.

148 pages | 7,00 € | 250 g

Translated into English by Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi

"Unless a man live the ordinary life and check every incident as the projection of the Self, not swerving from the Self in any circumstances, he cannot be said to be free from the handicap of ignorance."

Tripura Rahasya was considered by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi as one of the greatest works that expounded advaita philosophy. Since he often regretted that it was not available in English, his disciple, Swami Sri Ramananda Saraswathi took up the job of translating it in 1936 as a labour of love.
Tripura literally means the three cities. They are the states – jagrat [waking state] – svapna [dream state] and shushupti [deep sleep state]. The undercurrent of consciousness in all of them, remaining unaffected, is metaphorically called the Resident Mistress by name of Sri Tripura. The procreative faculty generating new beings and the link of altruistic love connecting the offspring to the parent are personified in the Mother; hence the feminine termination of Tripura. "The way to transcendence" signifies that interest in Tripura purifies the mind and creates the zeal for enquiry into the Truth.
As in many of the Great Indian texts, the presentation is that of a dialogue between master [Dattatreya] and disciple [Parasurama]. The latter conveys his doubts, one after another to his master who responds patiently with clarity and using as great a variety of explanations as the quantity of doubts thrown at him. Slowly but surely, He destroys his disciple's every doubt and misconceptions thus revealing the Truth beyond all states: the Stateless State.

Janaka reflected:
"As soon as I had decided on and attempted to turn my mind inward, another bright idea struck me : What confusion I am in! Although I am always in the perfection of bliss, what is it I want to do? What more can I acquire? What do I lack? When and whence can I get anything? Even if there were anything new to be gained, would it endure? How can I who am infinite consciousness-bliss know effort?
Individual bodies, their senses, minds, etc., are similar to visions in a dream ; they are projected from me. Control of one mind leaves all other minds as they are. So what is the use of controlling my mind? Minds controlled or uncontrolled, appear only to my mental eye."

260 pages | 9,00 € | 360 g

By Edith Hathaway

In Search of Destiny has been called a "path breaker" among astrology books. With original research and in-depth coverage, the author combines non-technical and technical material very effectively in a compelling narrative. The book contains a riveting choice of biographies based on historical and cultural events that illuminate both individual and collective destinies.
There are many forces of destiny for us to understand, and Vedic astrology – the astrology of India – gives us one tool. It is a great gift in revealing who we are, and where we are in time. The next task is accepting and working with those factors. Knowing this and accepting this, we move on to pursuing the destiny we were meant to live, at the highest level – as manifestations of the planetary lights, the brightest of which are the Sun and the Moon. Their light is reflected in each of us.
When Vedic astrology is combined with biography, history, politics, the arts and culture, a key missing component is provided to all of the above. In Search of Destiny is for astrologers, astrology students as well as for the layperson. The only criterion is an interest and openness to astrology. Find out how the planets affect individuals and whole nations and societies, and how the chart of a national leader is never separate from the nation ruled – for as long as he or she is in power. Thirty-one biographies of mostly world-renowned individuals, some of which have had a powerful impact on our history, culture and/or politics, are thus decrypted. An extensive glossary, footnotes and index help the reader to navigate through the wide-ranging information provided in this book.
For the novice, Chapter 2 provides a succinct summary of Vedic astrology and philosophy. Vedic charts are presented in both North and South Indian format, with the lifetime planetary cycles of the Vimshottari Dasha system – for which Vedic astrology is so famous. Any astrologer will benefit from the depth of research done here, and the layperson will find this a user-friendly book that broadens the horizons.
Edith Hathaway is an international consultant in practice since 1980, author, teacher, and lecturer of Vedic astrology, and among the few contemporary astrologers trained and certified in systems of both East and West. She was a founding member of the American Council of Vedic Astrology and has served as a faculty and board member of both the American Council and the American College of Vedic Astrology.

530 pages | 26,38 € | 1250 g

By Vaidya Atreya Smith

Herbal medicine is the oldest form of medicine used since mankind began to live in communities. Interest in the science of plants and their medicinal use is expanding globally as people of all nations seek alternatives to domination of aggressive therapies. Ayurveda, the indigenous medical system of India, offers the most comprehensive vision of herbal medicine in existence. The problem with the use of medicinal herbs in Western cultures is that herbs are no longer part of a comprehensive medical system. In Western cultures herbs are most often used symptomatically as they are not part of a system that understands the diagnosis and pathology of disease causes. Thus, instead of treating causal factors of disease, herbal medicine in the West has become symptomatic in both its approach and application.
In Ayurveda, the science of herbal medicine is called Dravya Guna Shastra or the "science of the attributes of substances". Unfortunately, this science has been unavailable to the vast majority of Westerns due to language, terminology and culture. This textbook is a bridge for the Western doctor, herbalist, practitioner, or therapist to the ancient science of herbal medicines in Ayurveda. It is one of three textbooks that form a series on the important subjects of Ayurvedic diagnosis & pathology, Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurvedic medicines.
Vaidya Atreya Smith is the author of six books published in nine different languages and three textbooks on Ayurveda. Since 1987 Atreya has studied with a number of Indian professors of Ayurveda in India and continues his studies with his teachers in India to this day. In 2005 he was awarded the title of 'Vaidya' from Professor K.C. Chunekar of Varanasi which translates as "a knower of classical medical texts", commonly used instead of the term 'doctor' for traditional practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine in India. He started the European Institute of Vedic Studies in 1998 to promote the knowledge of Ayurveda in Europe and offers training programs for Ayurvedic practitioners around the world by e-learning since 2010.

EAN : 9782952080224
367 pages | A4 format textbook [29,7 cm x 21 cm] | 115 herbal photos in black & white | 19,95 € | 1005 g

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