If we are not
this bag of bones, blood, and flesh that forms our
bodies – if we are not our senses, nor the
mind, which is only a bundle of thoughts, ideas,
notions – who or what then are we? What we
really are cannot be understood or even
experienced. It can only be realised. Because it is
beyond the mind, no words can describe it. That
which we are is timeless, infinite. It can be
called awareness, consciousness, space, love,
silence, or rather, what is beyond silence. We are
One, we are God, we are nothing. Total emptiness
and nothingness. No word, no name. A total wonder
and a total mystery.
Our troubles arise because we identify ourselves
with our body, our senses, and our mind. This
creates the separation and the duality that is the
cause of suffering. "When there are many, there is
falsehood", says Poonjaji.
In Self-enquiry, one looks at the root of this "I".
After that we do not need to touch it again. That
is freedom, freedom from the mind. Freedom to be
who we are, totally unrestrictedly, enjoying
forever serene fulfilment, peace, love, joy,
happiness and bliss. In this sate one accepts
oneself as one is – without notions, concepts
and judgements. There is no past and no idea of how
things should be in the future. There is just a
surrendering to what is, to the reality of the Here
and Now. This is knowledge, this is Truth, and this
is also very simple. Only our minds want to make us
believe it is difficult.
Who convinces us that it is easy? It is the master,
a being who is already enlightened. Only a few very
rare beings, such as Ramana Maharshi, have
spontaneously realised the Self without a living
human master. And even those who have realised with
a master are rare. That is why it is the most
wonderful luck to have a living master like Papaji,
a being whose grace can give us the necessary push
to jump into the Here and the Now. That grace is
what he is offering us from the bottomless depths
of his Heart.
Defining Papaji is like talking about the Self:
words are lacking, inadequate, inappropriate. How
to describe that unconditional love, that infinite
wisdom, that kindness, that patience, and
sweetness? How to talk about his silence, a silence
which communicates so richly? How to speak about
the unnameable beauty of the Self that shines
through him?
He is now eighty-three years old and probably the
happiest man on earth. His happiness is contagious,
overwhelming. His sense of humour is spot on,
sharp, hilarious. His satsangs are always an
occasion to roar with laughter. He never condemns,
criticises, or judges. He is egoless, mindless.
What comes through him is the clarity of his Heart,
which is the Truth. He has that wise ability to see
the essence, the Heart, and not the name and form
of those who come to him. As a real sage his words
and deeds sometimes surprise and puzzle, but the
passage of time will inevitably vindicate him and
demonstrate the grandeur of his wisdom. He is
delightful, mischievous, playful and has incredible
fun by just being who he is. His satsangs are
touched by beauty, with songs and music that people
offer gratefully to him. There are moments of love,
moments of truth. In satsang with Papaji we return
home, to the now that has always been our true