there be peace and love among all beings of the universe. OM
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
abhasa. reflected consciousness;
abhava. non-existence; absence; negation;
abhavana. non-thought
abhaya[m]. fearlessness; offering
shelter to one who seeks refuge
abhayam brahma. "Fearless is Brahman"
abheda. non-difference; non-duality; no
"otherness" [the exponent of abheda regards God
as the Absolute or Infinite apart from which there
can be no other]
abheda bhava. sense of non-separateness
abheda buddhi. concept-free; free from ideas
of difference
abhimana. egoism; conceit; attachment;
"I"-sense; pride; the function of the ego; the
delusion of "me" and "mine"; identification with
the body [the imperishable
Self is very hard to reach for those who are
attached to their bodies, because their
restless minds
will not be able to get fixed on the attributeless
abhimata. desired; favourite; attractive;
agreeable, appealing; object of choice
abhimukti. turned toward liberation; stage
in which liberation is assured
abhinivesha. the will to live; false
identification of the Self with the body or mind;
an instinctive clinging to life and a dread of
abhishekam. the sacred bath of water, milk,
curd... given to a deity
abhyantara. internal; inward
abhyasa. sustained spiritual practice; right
achala. immovable; standing still; firm;
steady; fixed unwavering; without change; also
signifies "hill"
achala manas. an unwavering, steady
achara. immobile
acharya. one versed in the sacred Vedic
knowledge; great preceptor; a widely respected
teacher allowed to teach the Veda and Upaveda
achetana. unconscious; non-conscious;
inanimate; inert; matter
achintya. unthinkable; inconceivable;
incomprehensible; inexplicable
achintya shakti. inscrutable power;
ineffable force
achit. insentient; inert; unconscious;
non-conscious; inanimate phenomenal object
achyuta. imperishable One
adhama. inferior
adhar[a]. to support; to prop up;
adharma. wrong action; unrighteousness;
irreligious; lawlessness; that which hurls
you into the abyss
of ignorance; that which drags one into
worldliness; failure to perform one's proper duty;
absence of virtue
adhi. greater; above; further; also means
disease of the mind or psychic disorder
adhibhuta. the primal being; primal element;
primordial being; pertaining to the elements;
governing principle of the material
adhikari[n]. an eligible or
qualified person; a worthy person
adhishthana[m]. basis; seat;
substratum; ground; background; underlying essence;
abode [the body as the abode of the subtle
bodies and the Self]
adhvaryu. officiating priest
adhiyajna. the primal sacrifice; supreme
adhyaropa. the superimposition of something
unreal on something real [in vedanta, it is the
superimposition of the world on Brahman]
adhyasa. superimposition or false
attribution of properties of one thing on another
adhyatma. the supreme Self
adhyatma vidya. study of the Self
adhyatmika [adhyatmic]. pertaining
to the supreme Self
adhyaya. chapter; section
adi. first; origin; beginning; original
adi guru. the ancient or primordial or
original Guru; divine Source from which the power
of initiation and guidance descends to a line of
Gurus; an epithet of Sri Shankaracharya and
sometimes also of Dakshinamurti
the primal power; primal energy
aditi. boundless; infinite; in the
Vedas, she is the Mother of the gods from
whose cosmic matrix the heavenly bodies were born
[as celestial Mother of every existing form and
being, the synthesis of all things, she is
associated with space and with mystic
adityas. solar deities
aditya hridayam. the Lotus Heart; supreme
seat of the Self, the consciousness from which
everything else emerges
adrishta[m]. unseen; invisible;
adrishya. invisible; that which cannot be
perceived by the physical eye
advaita. non-duality; literally "not two";
no "other"; the direct non-dualistic path;
philosophical viewpoint that the ultimate Reality
is but a single essence or God from which all life
and manifest existence arises, abides in, returns
to, and cannot be seperated from [he who
practises this
teaching attains supreme bliss and immortality, by
realising the Self and getting absorbed back into
That which is his Source and real Self, becoming
one with the Final Reality]
advaita jnana. non-dual knowledge
advaitic. non-dual; pertaining to
advaitin. one who lives in non-duality
advityia. "without a second"
adyashanti. primordial peace
agamas. Saiva scriptures that describe the
rules and procedures for image worship, which
include temple construction, installation and
consecration of the deities, methods of performing
pujas in the temples, philosophy, recitation of
mantras, worship involving figures or yantras and
bhakti yoga
agami karma. current karma being freshly
performed by the individual; new karma accumulated
in the present lifetime, added to the store of
sanchita karma and carried forward into future
lives; actions good and bad, expected to bear fruit
in future births
agni. the fire element; vedic God of
aham. "I am"; the Source of the "I"; supreme
"I"-awareness, "I"-consciousness; the supreme
aham bhava. the "I am" sense
aham brahmasmi. "I am Brahman"; "I am
absolute Reality"; "The core of my being is the
ultimate Reality, the root and ground of the
universe, the Source of all that exists"; one of
the Mahavakyas to be found in the Brihadaranyaka
Upanishad of the Yajur Veda
aham sphurana. the throb of Self-bliss in
the Heart
aham sphurti. Self-manifestation
aham swarupa. one's true nature
aham vritti. the "I"-thought; the limited
feeling of "I"-ness or "I am"-ness [Sri Ramana
says that the "I"-thought is equally and
essentially related to each and every thought of
the mind. Without the "I"-thought there can be no
other thought, but the "I"-thought can subsist by
itself without depending on any other thought of
the mind. The "I"-thought is therefore
fundamentally different from other thoughts. So
then, the search for the Source of the "I"-thought
is not merely the search for the basis of one of
the forms of the ego but for the very Source Itself
from which arises the "I am"-ness. In other words,
the quest for and the realisation of the Source of
the ego in the form of the "I"-thought necessarily
implies the transcendence of the ego in every one
of its possible forms]
ahamkara [ahankara]. literally
"I-maker"; ego-self; thz "I am" or ego; the sense
of doership, ownership; limited
ahimsa. non-violence; non-injury in thought,
word and deed; harmlessness
aishwarya. lordship; divine glory;
aja. unborn
ajanma. "without birth"; uncreated;
beginingless; the unborn
ajara[m]. decayless; ageless; without
old age
ajara amara avinashi atma. the ageless,
immortal, imperishable Self
ajata. "non-creation"; not created or not
ajnana. ignorance [of one's own true
Self]; lack of knowledge
ajnani. an unenlightened person; a person
who is ignorant of his true nature
akal. the timeless; the immortal; the
akala. without parts; an attribute of the
divine being
akash[a] [akasa]. the ether
or space element; the void; not visible; sky; empy
space; all-pervading continuum; the very first
element created from the astral world [air,
fire, water, earth are the other four in
sequence]; the basis and essence of all things
in the material world
akashaja. born of space or ether
akhanda. unbroken; indivisible; undivided;
akila para sakti. the all-encompassing
supreme power
akincanabhava. transcendence of the Self
aklishta. unafflicted; non-afflicted;
akshara. the imperishable; the
indestructible; the immutable; the Self
akshaya. undecaying; everlasting
akula. without form; formless
alak. non-attention
alasya. laziness; idleness; apathy; sloth
alata chakra. the illusory circle of fire
produced by rapidly waving around a stick that is
burning at one end; symbol of the illusory nature
of relative existence
alayavijnana. "All-encompassing foundation
consciousness" which induces transmigration or
rebirth, causing the origination of a new
existence; the storehouse-consciousness that
accumulates all potential energy for the mental and
physical manifestation of one's existence
alinga. without any attribute,
characteristic or mark; noumenal
amala. without defect; pure; immaculate
amalam. free from the impurity of illusory
amara. immortal; deathless
amrita. nectar; that which makes one
immortal; ambrosia
amritam. immortality
anadi. beginningless; eternal
ananda. bliss [that is a consequence of
experiencing the Self]; beatitude; transcendent
joy; delight
ananda maya kosha. the sheath of bliss; the
causal body; dreamless sleep; the borderline of the
ananda mayi. filled with bliss; consisting
of bliss
ananda yatnam. empire of bliss
ananta[m]. infinite; without end;
ananya bhakti. whole-hearted devotion
anartha. unhappiness; worthless; evil
anavashtitatvani. unsteadiness; instability
of mind; inability to find a footing
aneka. "not one"; many
anishta. undesirable; bad
anitya. impermanent; transient
annamalai. the most common Tamil name for
Arunachala, the holy hill at Tiruvannamalai in
Tamil Nadu
anta. the end; extremity
antahkarana. psyche; the inner instruments
such as mind and intellect;
instruments of inner perception; the inner mind or
inner cause; four-fold mind [mind, intellect,
ego and subconscious mind]; refers to the
totality of two levels of mind, namely the buddhi,
the intellect or higher mind, and the manas, the
middle levels of mind which exist as or include the
mental body; the link between the middle and higher
mind, the reincarnating part of the mind; the "seat
of consciousness" that is the spark, or genesis of
subtle manifestation arising out of formlessness;
the origin of the assertion of objectivity; the
mind at its most subtle form
antara. internal; interior; inside
antaratman. the indwelling Self; inner
antariksha. sky; firmament; atmosphere
antarmukha drishti. inward vision or
antaryami. the Controller within;
anubhava. direct experience, especially the
experience of Self-knowledge or "I"-principle
anugraha[m]. Grace; blessing
anusandhana. enquiry or investigation into
the nature of Reality
anushthana. observance; religious
anuttara. beyond which there is nothing; the
Highest; the Supreme; the Absolute
anya. other than oneself
apana. "downwards"; the second of the five
vital airs responsible for the withdrawal and
elimination of energy from the body [pelvic
region]; the air that travels down; exhalation;
the prevalent element is water
aparigraha. non-attachment;
non-possessiveness; non-covetousness; non-greed;
living in the world, but not being of the world
aparoksha. immediate; direct
aparokshanubhuti. direct experience of
Self-knowledge; Self-realisation [single-minded
devotion, which consists
of ceaselessly remembering the supreme being, is
the surest and most potent means of
apavada. the refutation of ignorance through
Self-enquiry; introspection based on right
discrimination between the real Brahman and the
unreal appearance of the universe
apavarga. liberation; release; escape from
pain; release from the bondage of embodiment
aprana. beyond manifest life; devoid of
apunya. demerit; vice; non-meritorious acts;
unvirtuous deeds; sinful
aradhana. worship of the divine Reality;
adoration; self-surrender
arama. rest; ease
arambha. origin; cause; original; causal
arati. the waving of lights before a sacred
image of the divine Reality
archa. worship; adoration
arjava. honesty; straightforwardness;
renouncing deception and wrongdoing
artha. the acquisition of wealth; pursuit of
artha vada. explanatory argument given to
suit a particular purpose
artharthi. one who desires material gain
arthika. true substance of a thing; real
arupa. formless
arupa manas. mind which has no form or
aruna. light; bright like fire; signifies
the fire of wisdom, which is neither hot nor
arunachala. hill of wisdom; hill of light;
symbol of light; its significance for the
individual is that when one gets beyond
body-consciousness, the inner Self shines pure and
clear; [Ramana Maharshi states, "The Self is
arya. adorable person
asakta. unattached; resigned; unselfish
asambhava. impossibility
asamhita. unsteady
asamprajnata. altered state of consciousness,
silent and alert mind
asamprajnata samadhi. highest superconscious
state where the mind and the ego-sense are
completely annihilated
asamsakti. non-attachment; unaffected by
anything and performing one's necessary duties
without a sense of involvement; the fifth stage in
the path of Self-knowledge
asamvedana[m]. non-receptivity of
the mind; non-thinking
asana. yogic posture, especially a posture
adopted for meditation; integration of mind and
body through physical activity; the third of the
eight limbs of ashtanga yoga
asanga. non-attachment; without
asat. unreal; non-being; non-existence;
illusory; false; falsehood [whatever sacrifice,
austerity or charity done without being
dedicated to
the Lord will be of no avail to the doer in this
earthly life here or in the life beyond
asatya. unreal; untrue
ascaryam. the marvel of the infinite Self
beyond nature
ashanti. absence of peace of mind;
restlessness; distraction
ashirvad [ashirwad]. blessing;
ashta. eight
ashtanga yoga. the eight limbs of raja yoga
that lead to absolute mental control through a
progressive series of steps or disciplines that
purify the body and mind, ultimately leading to
enlightenment [these eight limbs are: 1. yamas,
2. niyamas, 3. asanas, 4. pranayama, 5. pratyahara,
6. dharana, 7. dhyana, and 8. samadhi]
ashtavadhana. the ability to attend to eight
different matters simutlaneously
ashtavakra. "one having eight bends"; a sage
born with eight different deformities of the body;
the author of the Ashtavakra Gita, a
treatise on the instruction by the sage Ashtavakra
to King Janaka about the Self
ashuddha. impure; unpurified; incorrect
asmita. "I"-ness; the sense that "I exist";
sense of individuality
asramam. the abode of a sage; the
establishment or colony that grows up around a sage
or Guru; the Tamil word for "ashram"
asramas. the four orders of life
student life, household life, retired life and
renounced life
asteya. non-stealing
asuras. a group of power-seeking deities or
demons, sometimes considered naturalists or
nature-beings, which are the forces of chaos that
are in constant battle with the devas
asuric. diabolical; evil
asvins [ashvins]. two vedic gods,
represented as humans with the head of a horse,
that symbolise the shining of sunrise and sunset;
they appear in the sky before the dawn in a golden
chariot, bring treasures to men and avert
misfortune and sickness; doctors of gods and are
devas of ayurvedic medicine
atharvan. an ancient rishi
atharvaveda. the fourth of the four
Vedas, dating from 1000 BC, consisting of
spells, prayers, charms, and hymns [there are
prayers to protect crops from lightning and
drought, charms against venomous serpents, love
spells, healing spells, hundreds of verses, some
derived from the Rigveda, all very
atma[n]. the supreme Self which is
eternal, indestructible, changeless and present
everywhere in everyone and everything; the true
Guru or master [there is no difference between
Guru, Self and You]; the spirit which is never
born and never dies; the underlying Reality which
supports the appearance of the three temporary
states of waking, dream and sleep;
the Source of manifestation and mind [Sri
Ramana defines It by saying that the real Self or
real "I" is, contrary to perceptible experience,
not an experience of individuality but a
non-personal, all-inclusive awareness. You can
neither think about It nor forget It. He maintained
that It is always present and always experienced
but he emphasised that one is only consciously
aware of It as It really is when the self-limiting
tendencies of the mind have ceased]
atma bhakti. worship of the Supreme; to
focus so intensely on the Supreme that the
worshipper becomes the worshiped
atma bhava. the nature of the Self;
awareness of the Self; the feeling "I am the
atma darsan[am].
vision of the true Self;
atma dhyana. contemplation on the Self
atma drishti. the seeing or sight of the
Self; the vision of the Self; knowledge of the Self
through direct vision or knowing
atma jnana. direct knowledge of the Self
atma jnani. a person who has attained
atma nishta. unitary state of abidance in
the Self
atma prakash. the light of the Self
atma prajna. Self-consciousness
atma sakshatkaram. perceiving or realising
the Self directly
atma swarupa. the true nature of one's own
Self; "the form of the spirit"; the Self shining as
"I"; being-consciousness; a term used to indicate
that the universe has no intrinsic reality but
exists only as a manifestation of the Self
atma vichara. enquiry into the Self; the
practice of scrutinising or attending to the
feeling "I" in order to find out "Who am I?"
atma vidya. teaching about the Self and
atma vyavahara. the act of communion with
the Self; remaining inwardly still
atmadvaita. Self in all and all in the
atman brahman. "Self is Reality"; the unity
of one's true Self with the transcendent Self, or
Reality; Self-Reality; the unity of all living
things with the Supreme; [if Self is Reality in
a pot [the body], then one need merely
break the pot to fully realise the primordial unity
of the individual soul with the plentitude of the
atmanusandhana. constancy in the Self;
the cultivation of equanimity in the Self;
unwavering, perpetual meditation
atmaram. rejoicing the Self; united with
peace and dwelling in the glory of one's own
realised Self
atyanta shunyata. absolute emptiness
avacchinna. separated; detached;
avadhut[a]. liberated being; one who
has renounced all worldly attachments and cares and
lives in a state beyond body consciousness; a
mystic or saint who is beyond ego-consciousness,
duality and common worldly concerns and acts
without consideration for standard social
avarna. one who does not belong to the hindu
caste [varna] system; outcastes
avarana[m]. obstruction;
concealment; the veiling power of ignorance;
avasthas. the three alternating states of
waking, dreaming and sleeping
avatar[a]. "descent"; a divine
incarnation; appearance or manifestation; descent
of Reality in a worldly form; deliberate descent of
a deity from heaven to earth; descent of the
supreme being
avichara buddhi. lack of discerning
avidya. "to know not"; nescience;
inexplicable ignorance that lulls the spiritual
being away from its true nature
avinashi. indestructible; imperishable
avirati. hankering after objects;
non-dispassion; sensual indulgence; lack of
control; non-restraint
avyakta. the impersonal; unmanifest;
transcendental; the universal and real pure "I"
avyakto akshara. the Supreme state;
unmanifest imperishable
avyavahara. free from worldly activities or
ayam. "this"
ayam atma brahma. "This Self is Brahman";
"Atman and Brahman are the same"; "The Self is one
and the same with the Absolute"; one of the
Mahavakyas to be found in the Mandukya
Upanishad of the Atharva Veda
ayur. life or vital force which is
permanently moving
ayurveda. "Science of Life"; a 5000 year old
vedic system of natural medecine which seeks to
balance the three humors within the body, known as
kapha [water], pitta [fire] and
vata [wind];
baba. a sadhu, particularly from the north
of India; wise man
bahirmukha drishti. outward-turned
bahya. external; outward
bala. strength
bandha. lock or seal; bondage; conditioned;
binding; knot
bandhas. body locks; a sustained contraction
of a group of muscles that assists the practitioner
not only in retaining a yogic posture but also in
moving in and out of it; muscle
locking/contraction, which focuses energy in the
body and is closely tied to the breath; there are
three bandhas which are considered our internal
body locks Mula, Uddiyana and Jalandhara
baraka. a blessing from God in the form of
spiritual wisdom or divine presence; spiritual
power believed to be possessed by certain persons,
objects and tombs
bhadra. blessing; happy; well
bhag. splendor and power
bhagavad gita. Song of the Bhagavan
or Song of the Lord; a 700-verse episode
composed about 200 BC and incorporated into the
hindu epic Mahabharata in which Sri Krishna,
the 8th Avatar of
Vishnu, expounds the doctrine of selfless
action done as duty, not for profit or recognition,
but in a spirit of dedication to the one supreme
bhagavan. the Lord; a commonly used name for
Reality or Self; a title used for one like Sri
Ramana who is recognised as having realised his
identity with the Self
bhagavata. a devotee of Reality;
bhagavati. goddess; the feminine form of
bhajan. singing devotional songs in chorus;
devotional practice, prayer
bhakta. a devotee; a follower of the path of
bhakti; one who wants to please the Guru
bhakti. adoration; divine love; true
devotion to absolute Reality, where the devotee
focuses so much that he and the Reality become one
[if you sing the glories and attributes of the
Lord, you will develop love for Him and then your
mind will be ever fixed on Him. Intense love for
the Lord is real devotion. With this you must
surely get full knowledge of the Self]
bhakti marg[a]. the spiritual path
of devotion leading to union with Reality [man
attains Perfection by worshipping the Lord through
the performance
of his own duty, that is, he becomes qualified for
the dawn of Self-knowledge]
bhakti yoga. the yoga of devotion chosen
primarily by those of an emotional nature; the yoga
motivated chiefly by seeing God as the embodiment
of love; through prayer, worship and ritual one
surrenders to God, channelling and transmuting
one's emotions into unconditional love or devotion;
one of the four paths of yoga
bhakti yogi. the one who strives to attain
union with God through the path of devotion
bhakti rasa. the joy of bhakti
bhargo. radiance; luster; glory; splendour;
effulgence; destroyer of ignorance
bhati. shines; manifests; is aware
bhava. conviction; conditional state;
subjective state of being; mental attitude or
feeling; state of realisation in the Heart or
bhava mukha. an exalted state of spiritual
experience, in which the aspirant keeps his mind on
the borderline between the Absolute and the
relative, contemplating the ineffable and
attributeless Reality and also participating in the
activities of the relative world, seeing in it the
manifestation of Reality alone
bhava samadhi. superconscious state attained
by devotees through intense divine emotion in which
the devotee retains his ego and enjoys communion
with the Self
bhava samsuddhi. purity of thought
bhavan. house; hall
bhavana. spiritual cultivation; fixing the
mind; firm conviction through steady concentration;
mental attitude
bheda. difference; distinction; disjunction;
otherness [the exponent of bheda regards
himself as "other than God"]
bheda bhava. a sense of separateness
bhiksha. the food offered to begging
ascetics in charity; a feast given to ascetics and
other religious persons
bhikshu. hindu or buddhist monk; religious
bhoga. worldly pursuits of joys and sorrows;
worldly affairs; transactions between physical
bodies; worldly experience
bhoga kshetra. a place of enjoyment
bhoga marg[a]. the path of worldly
pursuits, of joys and of sorrows; path of ease
bhogi. one who seeks happiness without;
wordly enjoyer; one involved in worldly joys and
bhogya. object of experience or
bhokta. enjoyer; experiencer; subject of
experience or enjoyment
bhranti. delusion; wrong notion; false idea
or impression
bhrantija. born of delusion or
bhrantimatra. mere illusion or delusion
bhudeva. the Lord of the earth
bhuloka. the material emptiness or plane of
atomic matter
bhuma. the unconditioned Infinite;
bhumi. ground; foundation
bhumika [bhoomika]. step or stage;
state; degree
bhur. the gross or physical world; the earth
and material realm of existence made up of the five
bhur bhuvah swah. the three worlds or realms
of existence physical, astral and
bhuta [bhoota]. element; that which
has come into being; an entity as opposed to the
unmanifest; any of the five elementary constituents
of the universe ether, air, fire, water and
earth [akasa, vayu, agni, jala and
prithivi]; ghost-like
bhuvah [bhuvana]. the subtle or
astral world; the atmosphere; the subtle realm of
bija. seed; source; the seed of all
bija jagrat. "seed of wakefulness"; the
consciousness, which is nameless and pure, but in
which the jiva, etc., exist potentially, associated
with their corresponding concepts and names
bindu. a dot; in yoga, the dot over OM
symbolising Turiya
bodha. spiritual wisdom; intelligence; to be
bodha lingam. manifest consciousness;
manifest Self-awareness
bodhi. awakened; enlightenment; buddhahood
brahma. God as the creator; one of the hindu
brahma anubhava. direct personal experience
of Brahman
brahma chintana. constant meditation on
Brahman; constant awareness of Reality
brahma jnana. the realisation of
Brahman; direct knowledge of Reality; divine wisdom
[Sri Ramana says that Brahma jnana is not a
knowledge to be acquired, so that acquiring it one
may obtain happiness. It is one's ignorant outlook
that one should give up. All that is necessary is
to surrender the ego completely to the Guru, to
surrender the notion of "I" and "mine". If the ego
is surrendered what remains is the Reality]
brahma nirvana. absolute freedom; Brahmic
brahma satyam jagan mithya. "Brahman is
real; the world is unreal"; one of the
brahma sutras. a treatise by Vyasa on
vedanta philosophy in the form of aphorisms
brahma upadesa. initiation into the
spiritual path of Brahman-realisation
brahmachari. one who observes continence; a
religious student in the first stage of life who
devotes himself to spiritual practices and to
service, and observes strict celibacy
brahmacharya. the first stage of life, the
stage of the religious studentship with celibacy;
moderation in all things; freedom from craving for
all sensual enjoyments; self-restraint on all
levels; dwelling in Brahman
brahmaivaham. "Brahman alone am I"
brahmajyoti. the light of God
brahmakasam. absolute space
brahmamaya[m]. formed of Brahman;
filled with Brahman; of the nature of Brahman
brahman. the impersonal, non-dual, Final
Reality; infinite consciousness; the eternal
witness; the absolute Self of all beings; oneness;
the supreme Reality that is one and indivisible,
uncreated, infinite and eternal; witnessing
awareness; all-pervading, all-embracing, changeless
existence that is entirely complete within Itself;
the Supreme state which is attained here in this
life by clear Self-enquiry, which arises in the
Heart when association with a Satguru is gained
[as Brahman is the cause of all the worlds, He
is beginningless.
As He is the Source of all the gods and the great
sages, so there is no Source for His
own existence. As He
is beginningless, He is unborn. He is the great
Lord of all the worlds]
brahmana [brahmin]. the first and
highest of the four castes of hindu social order
consisting of priests, pandits, philosophers, and
religious leaders; a wise one
brahmanas. commentaries on the meaning and
the use of the vedic hymns contained in the four
Vedas, detailing the proper performance of
brahmananda. the bliss of communion with
Brahman, the Final Reality; the experience of one's
own being, of the vision of one's own Self and the
eventual peace that is unparalleled
brahmanishtha. remaining steadfast in the
Absolute; one who is firmly established in the
supreme being, in the direct knowledge of the
absolute Reality
brahmanubhava. Self-realisation;
God-realisation; absolute experience
brahmavichara. enquiry into the Reality;
enquiry for Truth through the differentiation
between the Real and the unreal
brahmavid. "knower of Brahman"
brahmavidya. science of Brahman; knowledge
of Brahman, the supreme Reality; using reasoning to
attain the absolute Truth
brahmic. pertaining to the divine
brindavan [vrindavan]. sacred forest
on the banks of the river Yamuna, near Mathura,
birthplace of Krishna; a particularly holy site for
the Vaishnava [worshippers of Lord Vishnu],
as well as for worshippers of Krishna
budh. to enlighten; to know
buddha. an awakened one
buddhi. the intellect or higher mind; one of
the four aspects of the internal organ; reason;
understanding; the intuitive mind; the seat of
wisdom; the discriminating faculty
buddhi yoga. the yoga of intelligence spoken
of in the Bhagavad Gita which later came to
be called jnana yoga, the yoga of knowledge
chaitanya [chetana]. the formless
consciousness which knows itself and knows others;
life-energy; sentience; consciousness occupied with
an object; it is this consciousness that Buddha
rejected as an obstacle
chakrapani. Diety with eight arms and a
blissful embodiment of Lord Vishnu
chakras. the six main yogic centres in the
body; points or knots in the subtle human body
located at the physical counterparts of the major
plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves; meeting
points of the subtle, non-physical energy channels,
called nadis
chakshuh. eye; the subtle organ of sight;
visual sense
chalana. movement
chandala. outcaste
chandra. the moon; the presiding deity of
the moon or the astral lunar world
charan-amrita. "nectar of the Lord's feet";
bliss of the Self; perfumed "holy water" sanctified
by the feet of a deity or of a holy man
charya. follow; regular observance of rites;
activity; mode of behavior; a way of life
chattram. a place of free lodging for
pilgrims and travellers
chela. disciple; one who wants to become the
reflection of the Guru
chidabhasa. the false appearance or
reflection of consciousness; the ego; the
chidakash [cidakasa].
universal mind; pure consciousness; clear space of
awareness; the ether or space of consciousness
which is devoid of the ego-sense; the infinite,
all-pervading expanse of consciousness; the true
Heart of all things; limitless knowledge; unbounded
chidananda. the bliss of pure
chidrupa. Self as pure and radiant
chinmaya. full of consciousness; formed of
chinmudra. the hand-pose indicating
chinta. enquiry; thought; discussion
chintana. thinking; reflecting
chiranjivi. one who lives forever
chit. pure unitary consciousness, which is
the nature of the real Self; absolute
consciousness; intelligent awareness
chit jada granthi. the ego-knot between the
Self, which is pure consciousness, and the physical
body, which is inert and insentient; also refers to
bondage, individual self, subtle-body, samsara and
chit shakti. power of consciousness or
chitrambalam. the expanse of
chitta[m]. memory; the mental mode
turned towards objects; that aspect of the mind in
which impressions are stored
chitta suddhi. purity of mind; purification
of the mind; purity of conscience
chitta vritti nirodha. cessation of the
modifications of the mind; control of thoughts
crore. ten million
of the page
dahara vidya. contemplation of the deity in
the cavity of the Heart
daivika sampatti. the divine
dakshina. a monetary gift traditionally
given to a Guru by a disciple
dakshinamurti. name for Lord Shiva as the
silent teacher; the Vedas declare that in
every cycle of creation Reality manifests as
Dakshinamurti and becomes the Guru of the first
human beings, those who were most spiritually
evolved in the previous creation, teaching them the
path to liberation
dalits. modern term used in India to
describe those people who are regarded as outcastes
or untouchables; people who are considered left out
from the four hindu caste classifications and who
live on the fringes of the society
dama. self-control; control of the sense
organs; restraint of the external functions of the
dana. a giving; an offering that a disciple
gives to his Guru [Sri Ramana says that the
only effective dana is giving the mind to the Guru,
and remaining in silence thereafter]
darshan. "sight of" or "seeing"; to see or
be seen by a Guru or holy being as well as the
blessing received by seeing such a one
dasbodh. 17th century advaita vedanta
spiritual text orally narrated in 1654 by Saint
Samarth Ramdas [1608-1681] to his disciple,
Kalyan Swami, and provides readers with spiritual
guidance on matters such as devotion and acquiring
Self-knowledge; means "advice to the disciple" in
dasya. the attitude of being a servant of
daya. mercy; compassion; empathy; conquering
callous, cruel and insensitive feelings toward all
daivaim. fate; also means God
deepa [dipa]. a wick lamp fed by
oil or ghee; a flame in a lamp
deepam [karthigai]. one of the
oldest festivals celebrated by the Tamil/Keralite
people on the full moon day [purnima] of
the month of Karthigai, as per South Indian
calendar [on Karthigai day in Tiruvannamalai, a
huge fire lamp is lit up on the hill Arunachala and
hindu devotees pray to Lord Shiva]
dehadhyasa. false identification with the
deha[m]. body; state
dehatma buddhi. the feeling "I am this
deva. a God or celestial being; spirit
devasya. "of the Divine"; Grace; the light
of the effulgent God
devata. a deity
devi. the divine mother; goddess
dhama [dhaam]. abode; dwelling;
place of residence
dharana. concentration; one-pointedness of
mind; the sixth of the eight limbs of ashtanga
dharma. "to carry", "to hold";
characteristic; feature; virtuous deeds; harmonious
life; inherent qualities; inner principle; the
means that elevates a man and helps him to reach
the goal of life [realising his innate
dharma megha samadhi. the final state of
one-pointedness, when an individual becomes
disinterested even in omniscience, omnipotence, and
omnipresence; when all vasanas are entirely
dhatri [dhatar]. solar deity; God of
health and happiness
dhatu. original element; core; constituent;
the vital force in the human being
dhi. intellect
dhimahi. "we meditate upon"; meditation or
knowledge of the Absolute
dhira. steadfast; strong; bold;
dhiyo. intellect; mind; intelligence;
understanding of Reality
dhoti. a long piece of material worn around
the waist by traditionally-dressed men in India,
rather like a long skirt
dhrita. steadfastness; constancy; sustained
effort; firmness; patience; endurance
dhriti. steadfast; constant; overcoming
non-perseverance, fear, and indecision; seeing each
task through to completion; sustaining effort;
firmness; patience; endurance
dhyana. deep meditation; a state of pure
thought and absorption in the object of meditation
[when Ramana Maharshi uses this term he is
generally referring to meditation that consists on
concentration on a form or a particular thought;
the highest dhyana is transcendent and
discriminative in character and can come about only
when the ego-consciousness is dissolved]; the
seventh of the eight limbs of ashtanga yoga
dhyeya. object of meditation or worship;
purpose behind action
diksha [deeksha]. formal initiation
into spiritual life, effected through the Grace of
the Guru who represents the divine Reality;
[Sri Ramana stated that silence is the best and
most potent initiation]
divya. celestial; divine nature; luminous;
divya chakshuh. the heavenly eye; divine
eye; wisdom
divya shakti. divine energy or power
dosha[m]. defect; imperfection;
blemish; fault; shortcoming
dosha drishti. seeing the defects in samsara
and samsaric life
drashta. seer; perceiver
dravya. "substance"; material ingredients;
living or non-living matter
dravyaguna. complete science of herbal
plants, which includes pharmacognosy, pharmacology
and therapeutic use of plants; ayurvedic system of
pharmacology; science of the attributes of
drik. subject
drishta. the visible; see; that which is
drishti. insight; inner sight; seeing;
vision; view; gaze; perception
drishti srishti. perception followed by
drisya [drishya]. object seen;
perceived; the visible; objects of consciousness;
the world
drishyam. the seen; the object seen; the
seeable; visible; perceptible; object of
consciousness; nature
dukha[m]. pain; suffering; misery;
sorrow; grief; unhappiness; stress or distress
durga. the divine Mother as Protector
and Fosterer
dvaita. duality; the dualistic path;
multiplicity; the dvaitists worship a personal god
separate from the worshipper
dvapara yuga. the age where is there is an
increased decline in the Truth and religious
values; this yuga {age] lasts 864,000 years and
the lifespan of humans is 1,000 years; the third of
four yugas
dwandwa[s]. the pairs of opposites
in nature such as pleasure and pain, hot and cold,
light and darkness, gain and loss, victory and
defeat, love and hatred
dwandwamoha. the delusion of the pairs of
dwesha. aversion; avoidance for something,
implying a dislike for it
eka. the One; the Unique
eka swarupa. the one Reality
ekagrata. one-pointedness of the mind;
concentration; close attention
ekakshara. a common term for OM meaning the
single syllable
ekam eva advitiyam. "The only Reality, the
One without a second"
ekam evadvitiyam brahma. "Brahman is one,
without a second"; "There is one absolute Reality,
without any secondary parts"; one of the
ekarnava. one boundless sea in which state
the universe is described figuratively to exist
during the dissolution the potential causes
of the next creation being described as the waters
of this all-pervading sea
ekata. oneness; homogeneity;
ekatva. unity; oneness
ekayana. union of thoughts; monotheism
ekoham bahusyam. "May I, the One, become
many"; this describes the primal idea which
manifested itself from the One undivided being
prior to creation
eshanatrayam. three kinds of desires
desire for wealth, son and wife
eva[m]. only; in fact; thus; so; in
this manner; without limitation
gaja. elephant
gambhira. deep; magnanimous; dignified;
grand; imperious; grave
ganapati. the elder son of Lord Shiva, the
remover of obstacles; the same as Lord Ganesha
gandha. the sense of smell
ganesh[a]. the elephant-headed son
of Shiva and Parvati; the remover of obstacles; God
of wisdom; God of beginnings
gatha. verse; stanza
gaudapada. the Guru of Shankara's Guru,
gaya. vital energies
gayatri. the name for a Sanskrit poetical
meter that contains three lines of eight syllables
gayatri mantra. a sacred Sanskrit mantra or
hymn from the Rigveda invoking the
solar powers of evolution and enlightenment,
recited daily by hindus of the three upper
castes for the unfoldment of the intellectual
powers leading to enlightenment
ghat. a bathing-place; a stairway leading
down to a river, pond, or water reservoir
giri. mountain; one of the ten branches of
the Shankara Order
giri pradakshina. walking around a holy hill
or mountain
gita [geeta]. song; often refers to
the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most renowned
hindu scriptures, even though there are many other
Sanskrit Gitas
gita dhyanam. nine verses that are recited
before reading the Bhagavad Gita; these
verses offer salutations to a variety of sacred
scriptures, figures, and entities, characterise the
relationship of the Bhagavad Gita to the
Upanishads, and affirm the power of divine
gopala. cowherd; a title of Krishna, both as
baby and young boy
gopi. milkmaid; childhood companions and
devotees of Krishna
grihastha dharma. according to
the hindu system, human life is divided into
four successive stages or asramas looked
at from the viewpoint of the pilgrim on the
spiritual path; the grihastha
dharma of the married householder is the
second stage, preceded
by brahmacharya, the stage of the
celibate student
guha. cave
guhya. secret; secret place
guna. fundamental operating principle or
quality; mode of nature; attribute; property
gunas. a cosmic quality of which there are
three fundamental operating principles
rajas, sattva and tamas that constitute the
mind and physical manifestation and are associated
with creation [rajas], preservation
[sattva] and destruction [tamas];
the three gunas explain not only the multiplicity
and variation seen in the physical universe but the
aspects of creation prior to the physical
manifestation as well; the dynamic forces of cosmic
manifestation [prakriti]
gunamaya. full of qualities or
gunasamya. a state where the three gunas are
found in equilibrium; the supreme Absolute
gunatita. beyond the gunas; the state of
transcendence of the gunas freedom from
their conditionings
guru. a true spiritual guide and teacher,
who is one with Reality, the real Self [there
is no difference between Guru, Self and You];
one who disperses darkness [gu means
"shadows", and ru means "He who disperses
them"]; according to the hindu tradition, the
candidate for admission into the spiritual life has
to place himself under the guidance of
a competent master; in the Bhagavad
Gita, Krishna speaks to his friend Arjuna of
the importance of finding a Guru, "Acquire the
transcendental knowledge from a Self-realised
master by humble reverence, by sincere enquiry, and
by service. The wise ones who have realised the
supreme Truth will impart the true knowledge to
guru bandhu or guru bhai.
co-disciple; having same Guru
guru kripa. the Grace of the Guru; that
Self-awareness that is one's own true nature
guru purnima. annual festival traditionally
celebrated by hindus and buddhists [generally
in July] in which disciples offer worship or
pay respect to their Guru
guru stuti. praise of the Guru; verses in
praise of the Guru
hansa. swan; superconscious
hansa deha. the superconscious state of
Self; the highest state of consciousness where Self
is associated with supreme Self
[Paramatman] and enjoys supreme bliss
hanuman. hindu deity in the form of a monkey
who plays a central character in the Indian epic
Ramayana; an ardent devotee of Rama, he is
considered as the perfect servant of God
hara. "one who takes away"; a title of
Shiva; the destroyer; the remover
hari. "I pray to"; "praise to"; the Lord
hari om tat sat. "Glory to Thee, that
eternal Truth"; a very ancient mantra from the
harsha. joy; exhilaration;
hasta diksha. spiritual initiation in which
the Guru places his hand on the head of the
hatha yoga. a form of yoga involving
difficult bodily postures and breathing
hatha yogi. the one who uses relaxation and
other practices such as yamas, niyamas, mudras,
bandhas etc.. to gain control of the physical body
and the subtle life force [prana]
hiranyagarbha. "golden womb" or "golden
egg"; the Source of the creation of the universe or
the manifested cosmos in Indian philosophy; the
soul of the universe; creative intelligence
homa [havan]. sacrifice offered in
the sacred fire; sacred offering in specially
prepared fire
hotar. presiding priest
hridaya[m]. "this is the centre";
the Heart essence, which is the very core of one's
being without which there is nothing; the Self, as
the centre of one's being; the place where Reality
shines; the seat of consciousness at the right side
of the chest, as experienced and expounded by
Ramana Maharshi [Sri Ramana does not imply that
there is a particular location or centre for the
Self, he is merely indicating that the Self is the
Source from which all appearances manifested. It
alone is]
hridaya guha. the Heart cave; the core of
our being wherein the Self dwells
hridi. the centre
iccha. desire; will; wish; divine will; free
iccha sakti. omnipotent desire-force
ida. the subtle channel that extends from
the base of the spine to the medulla on the left
side of the spine
idam. "this"; "here"; used to denote objects
that are seen or thought of by aham, the perceiving
ihamutrartha phala
viraga. absence of desire for the
enjoyment of
the fruits of one's actions in this world and the
indriyas. the senses
irai pani nittral. living in the service of
isa [isha]. the supreme Lord
ishana. the all-enjoyer; the Lord of
everything; the Lord of space
ishta. beloved; the chosen deity
one worships; the particular aspect of the divine
Reality with which the disciple will have to be in
perfect communion before the supreme Gnosis becomes
possible; the Self that is beyond name and
form; the Supreme in its aspect of bliss
ishwara [ishvara]. God, as immortal
and formless; the name of the supreme Lord
indicating his lordship of the worlds; godhood;
ultimate Reality; natural dissolution of the mind;
the powers of omnipotence, omnipresence, and
omniscience [Sri Ramana maintains that the
universe is sustained by the power of the Self.
Since theists normally attribute this power to God
[Ishwara] he often used the word God as a
synonym for the Self. He also used the words
Brahman, the supreme being of hinduism, and Shiva,
a hindu name for God, in the same way. Sri Ramana's
God is not a personal god, He is the formless being
which sustains the universe. He is not the creator
of the universe, the universe is merely a
manifestation of His inherent power; He is
inseparable from it, but he is not affected by its
appearance or its disappearance]
ishwara maya. the illusory appearance
produced by Reality
ishwara pranidhana. constantly living with
an awareness of the divine presence; surrender to
God's will
ishwara swarupa. the nature of Reality
ishwara vadi. one who expounds the doctrine
of a personal god
jada. the inert; insentient; unconscious;
jaganmaya. the mystery of the world
jagadguru. world Guru
jagat. world; cosmos
jagrat. the waking state of consciousness;
the first of the four states of consciousness in
which the pure, natural, and unperverted notions of
"I" and "mine" arise for the first time
jagrat sushupti. the state of wakeful sleep
in which there are no thoughts, but in which there
is full awareness of the existence-consciousness,
"I am"
jagrat svapna. "the waking dream"; the state
where the mind is totally occupied by the objects
of perception, whether they are gross or subtle,
and when this mind is constantly busy creating
images in itself, which it believes to be real
jagri. to be awake
jaina. a follower of the jain religion which
prescribes a path of non-violence towards all
living beings and emphasises the necessity of
self-effort to move the self towards divine
consciousness and liberation: a soul that has
conquered its own inner enemies and achieved the
state of supreme being [jaini is derived from
the word "jinah" which can mean saint, conqueror,
victor or overcomer]
jala[m]. the earth element
jalandhara bandha. a throat lock achieved by
lowering the chin slightly while raising the
sternum and the palate bringing the gaze to the tip
of the nose
janardana. the Lord of the universe; another
name of Vishnu, or God; He who inflicts suffering
on evil men; He to whom all devotees pray for
worldly success and liberation
janma. birth
japa. incantation; a spiritual discipline
involving the meditative repetition of the Lord's
name or a mantra as a means to a
continual recollection of His presence; uttering
the names of the gods or sacred mantras, like OM,
either mentally or spoken softly as a method of
spiritual practice
jaya. victory; victorious; mastery; hail;
jayanti. the birthday of a god or a holy
person; victorious; conquering
jitendriya. one who has controlled the
jiva. the individual self, ego or "I"-sense;
ego-self which is subject to birth and death;
individuality; the illusory person or self that is
essentially non-existent, being a fabrication of
the mind which obscures the true experience of the
real Self; the appearance or illusion of a separate
individual consciousness; limited consciousness
which appears "as if" it is an embodied soul
[birth is the root cause of the modifications
of change, growth, decay and
death, but the other changes of state manifest
after the birth of the body. Reality is
changeless and
He is birthless, decayless and deathless]
jivanmukta. "free while alive"; one who is
liberated even while living in the body; a realised
being free from rebirth
jivanmukti. liberation while alive;
the state of jivanmukta; natural samadhi
jivatma[n]. the individual self;
individual spirit
jna. to know
jnana[m]. true knowledge; direct
knowledge of the non-dual Reality that is the Self;
awakened wisdom; Truth consciousness; a pure
knowledge inseparable from the total experience of
Reality; the Eternel, unbroken, natural state of
abiding in the Self; permanent and continuous
Self-awareness that remains when the mind and all
its activities of objective thought have been
eradicated [this term should not be taken to
mean that there is a person who has knowledge of
the Self, because in the state of Self-awareness
there is no localised knower and there is nothing
that is separate from the Self that can be known.
True knowledge is not an object of experience, nor
is it an understanding of a state which is
different and apart from the subject knower. It is
a direct and knowing awareness of the one Reality
in which subjects and objects have ceased to
exist]; the annihilation of the mind in which
it is made to assume the form of the Self through
the constant practice of Self-enquiry
jnana bandhu. a pseudo-jnani
jnana bhumika. stage of Self-knowledge
[there are seven steps of Self-knowledge and
the one who has ascended them does no once again
get caught in the mire of delusion: 1. subheccha,
2. vicarana, 3. tanumanasa, 4. sattvapatti, 5.
asamsakti, 6. padarthabhavana, and 7.
jnana drishti. the "wisdom-insight" of
remaining quiet
jnana kanda. knowledge in the pursuit of
jnana guru. one who initiates a disciple
into jnana; one who grants true knowledge; the
supreme Self that reveals its own Truth in every
Heart; one who has realised the Truth
jnana marg[a]. the path of
discriminative knowledge leading to union with
thoughtless Reality
jnana mudra. the joining of the thumb and
the forefinger of a raised right hand signifying
the union of the Paramatman and the jivatman,
hereby showing their identity
jnana nistha. firmly rooted unshakable
jnana sakti. the power of knowledge
jnana siddha. liberated or Self-realised
jnana swarupa. the embodiment of spiritual
wisdom; pure awareness that is free of conceptual
jnana vichara. Self-enquiry; enquiry leading
to true Self-knowledge
jnana yoga. the yoga of knowledge or wisdom
is the most difficult path, requiring tremendous
strength of will and intellect, which leads the
aspirant to experience his unity with God directly
by dissolving the veils of ignorance; constantly
and seriously thinking on the true nature of the
Self as taught by the Upanishads; one of the
four paths of yoga [before practicing jnana
yoga, the aspirant needs to have integrated the
lessons of the other yogic paths for without
selflessness and love of God, strength of body and
mind, the search for Self-realisation can become
mere idle speculation]
jnana yogi. the one who uses his mind to
enquire into its own nature through the path of
jnanendriya. the five organs of perception
ear, skin, eye, tongue, and nose
jnani [gnani]. knower of Truth; one
who has attained Self-realisation through the path
of knowledge; enlightened sage; wise one; a
Self-realised being; one who knows "I am"; one who
has a direct awareness of himself as the true Self
and always remains as a witness of the activities
of the senses; one who does not rejoice when he
attains desirable objects, does not grieve
when he parts with
his cherished objects, and who does not desire the
jnanopadesha. instruction in wisdom
jnata. the "knowing" principle
jnatri. one who knows or understands.
jyoti[h]. light; flame;
illumination; luminosity; effulgence
jyoti maya. full of effulgence
jyotish[a]. astronomy; astrology
kailash[a]. a mountain in the
Himalaya reputed to be the abode of Lord Shiva
kaivalya[m]. absolute oneness;
absolute aloneness of the Self; final
emancipation [man attains unity with the
Supreme when he knows or realises
through intuition
that all these manifold forms are rooted in the
One. Like waves in water, like rays
in the sun, so also
all forms are rooted in the One]; one of the
108 Upanishads
kaivalya deha. conscious state where an
individual being still deludes itself with the
false belief of "I am God"
kaivalya mukti. liberation
kala. time; a unit of time; part; aspect;
bit; death; fate; black
kali yuga. the age of strife, discord,
quarrel, contention, irreligion and inexplicable
ignorance; the last of the four cycles beginning in
3102 BC which the earth is currently passing
through [it is said that in the first few
thousand years there will be many religions, which
will gradually completely disappear from the face
of the earth one by one, and after 15,000 years,
99.9% of the humans in the world will become
atheistic. There will be very few followers of
Truth, and things will get so bad, such that
parents will eat their own children]; this yuga
[age] lasts 432,000 years and the lifespan
of humans is up to 100 years; the fourth of four
kalottara jnana. the knowledge to be
revealed at the final stage of maturity
kalpa. cosmic cycle; an aeon; the longest
age in hindu philosophy lasting several billion
years [the concept is first mentioned in the
Mahabharata, and is later found in the
Vishnu Purana and Bhagavata
kalpana. imagination of the mind; the
association of name and permanence to objects;
presumptive knowledge; assumption; creation
kalpanta. end of an era; end of an eon
kalpita. imaginary; dreamt; unreal creation;
mere imagination
kalyana. excellence; auspicious; blessed
kama. lust; desire for physical love;
kama sakti. the power of desire
kamala. lotus; rose colored
karana. the cause; causal; the reason; the
seed of all seeds; the original cause of creation;
the subtle cause of everything; the unmanifested
potential cause that, in due time, takes shape as
the visible effect; that which brings the joy of
karana deha. the causal body; a state of
pure forgetfulness, ignorance, where there is no
thought of well-being nor of the gross and subtle
bodies; a state of forgetfulness where nothing can
exist; the "knowing" principle
karana jagat. causal world
karana salila. primeval waters; the
potential condition of the cosmic energy described
figuratively as the water of an all-pervading
karana sarira. the causal body [where
the individual rests during sound, deep, dreamless
sleep, the intellect, mind and senses being reduced
to an unmanifested potential condition]; this
is the proximate cover of the soul, known as the
sheath of bliss
karani. "in action"
karika. commentary; treatise
karma. action, activity or movement; fate;
destiny [it is the karma operating through the
law of cause and effect which binds the individual
soul to the wheel of birth and death. The defect in
karma is not in the action itself but in attachment
and expectation of a reward. Nature, and your own
nature, too, will urge you to do actions. You
will have to
abandon the idea of agency and the fruits of
actions. Then no action will bind you]
karma bandha. bondage caused by karma
karma kanda. fruitive activities; activities
for sense gratification; activities under vedic
injunction, which gradually purify one to
understand his true position [once this karma
is finished, then the chance for spiritual
realisation is offered]
karma marg[a]. the path of ritual,
religious duties and action
karma yoga. the yoga of action chosen
primarily by those of an outgoing nature; the yoga
of selfless devotion of all inner and outer
activities as a sacrifice to the Lord; selfless
service to God without any intention for gain or
reward; one of the four paths of yoga
karma yogi. the one whose actions are not
motivated by desire for personal benefit or by any
other kind of attachment
karmaphala. the fruit of actions; the
consequence of a deed
karta. the doer; the agent, specifically of
kartruta. the "I am the doer" idea; the
feeling that there is a person who is performing
the actions that the body engages in
karuna. mercy; compassion; kindness
karyam. to be done; to be performed; a
kashaya. taint; impurity
katha. speech; narration; fable; style of
religious storytelling
kattalai. offerings made to a temple at regular
times by a devotee
kevala. alone; single; absolute;
independent; perfect
kevala advaita. the pure non-dualistic
school of vedanta of which the great sage Adi
Shankara was an adept
kevala kumbhaka. retention of breath leading
to stilling of the mind without inhalation or
kevala nirvikalpa samadhi. a temporary state
of Self-absorption
khyati. apprehension; discernment;
knowledge; vision
kirtan[a]. devotional song; the
chanting or singing of the names or glories of the
koham. "Who am I?"
kosha [kosa]. sheath; bag; scabbard;
a sheath enclosing the soul; body
kratu. sacrifice; action
kripa. Grace; blessing; compassion
krishna. dark; dark-blue; symbol for
infinite space; supreme being; the consciousness
without form, rules and regulations; central figure
of hinduism and is traditionally attributed the
authorship of the Bhagavad Gita; a
historical individual who participated in the
events of the Mahabharata
kriya. a purificatory action, practice,
exercise or rite; activity; movement
kriya sakti. the power of action
kriya yoga. the yoga of purification
krodha. anger; wrath; fury
kshama. forgiveness; patience; forbearance;
functioning in the now
kshatra. rule or authority
kshatriya. the second of the four castes of
hindu social order constituting the ruling and
military elite, such as warriors, administrators
and law enforcers, who are in charge of the
protection of the society by fighting in wartime
and governing in peacetime [in a Kshatriya,
rajas predominates, and he possesses prowess,
splendour, firmness, dexterity, generosity and
kshetra. a sacred place of pilgrimage; city
or the field of body
kshetrajna. the conscious principle known in
the field of the body; the absolute witness aware
of the three states of the self; waking, dream, and
kshobha. shaking; agitated; disturbed;
kula. possessing a form
kumari. virgin; a formal title of address
for an unmarried woman
kumbha. pot; water vessel
kumbha mela. a great spiritual fair held
every twelve years
kumbhaka. breath retention; suspension of
kundalini. the primordial cosmic energy
located in the individual; the yogic principle of
serpent power; ascending air
kutastha. the immutable witness; thoughtless
witness; the immutable Self; the witness which is
absolutely changeless
kutastha chaitanya. inner Self; the witness
consciousness that remains uncontaminated
kutastha nitya. the Eternal; without
undergoing change; the changelessly permanent
kuvalaya. lotus
lakshya. target on which attention is
focussed; that which is kept in view
laya. dissolution; stages of dissolution of
consciousness; annihilation; absorption; absorption
of breath and mind in the Heart
lila [leela]. play; sport; the
cosmos looked upon as a divine play; movements and
activities of the supreme being that are free by
nature and not subject to laws
lilamayi. the magical play of the creative
power; the divine force whom creation and
dissolution are mere play or sport
lilavilasa. the splendour of divine
lina. dissolved; merged; lost
linga[m]. a vertical column of stone
with a rounded upper end which symbolises the
unmanifest Shiva; symbol of the shapeless universal
consciousness; mark; gender; sign
linga deha. the astral body; the subtle
linga sarira. the subtle or psychic body
that become particularly active during the dream
state by creating a world of its own; the three
sheaths of intelligence, mind and vital energy
constitute this body
lobha. greed; covetousness
loka. "world"; there are fourteen worlds in
the universe seven higher ones
[swarga] and seven lower ones
lokaishana. desire for fame
mada. pride; conceit; intoxication;
exhilaration; dementia
madhu. honey; enjoyment
madhura. sweet; honey-like
madhwada. one who enjoys the good and bad
things in the world; the jiva
madhya. centre; middle; central
maha. great; mighty; powerful; lofty;
mahabharata. the world's longest epic poem
comprising of 110,00 verses about the Mahabharata
[Great Indian] War that took place about
3000 years ago; also includes the Bhagavad
Gita, the most popular sacred text of
mahabhutas. the great or gross elements; the
five primordial elements [ether, air, fire,
water and earth] that are responsible for the
structure of everything in the universe, animate
and inanimate; the building blocks of the material
mahadakash. material world
mahadeva. Shiva
mahajagrat. "the great wakefulness"; the
state in which "the other", and such notions as "I
am so and so" and "This is mine" arises
mahajiva. Brahman; cosmic soul
mahakarana. primordial; Turiya or "fourth"
state that transcends the three states of waking,
dream state and deep sleep
mahakarana deha. the supra-causal body;
prime causal state; "I am"-ness or pure
consciousness; eternal witness; luminous Self; the
pure knowledge "I am"; Turiya
mahan. the Great One; that One which is
impossible to adequately praise
mahamaya. "the great illusion"; "the grand
mahamounam. stillness of body, speech and mind;
peace of total stillness
mahapralaya. the final cosmic dissolution;
the dissolution of all the worlds of relativity
until nothing but the Absolute remains
mahaprana. the important life-force
mahapurusha. a great person; a great soul; a
sage; the supreme Lord
maharajji. "great king"
maharshi. a great sage; the sage who
rejoices in his own Self and who knows he does not
gain anything by doing any action [to him no
real purpose is served by engaging in any action,
no evil can touch him as a result of inaction and
he does not lose anything by being
mahasamadhi. the Great Union; a sage's
conscious departure from the physical body at
mahashakti. great power; divine creative
mahasunya. the great void; the great
emptiness; the formless Absolute
mahat. the great principle of cosmic
intelligence; cosmic consciousness
mahat tattva. first transformation of
primordial nature which contains all the other
elements in their subtle, unmanifest forms; the
physical universe
mahatma. a great soul; highly spiritual
person; a master in tune with the Infinite
mahavakya [mahavyahrti]. "great
utterance" or "great statement"; specifically four
key statement from the Upanishads that
declares the nature of Reality and one's identity
with It "Tat Tvam Asi" ["Thou art
That"], "Ayam Atma Brahma" ["This Self is
Brahman"], "Prajnanam Brahma" ["Brahman is
pure consciousness"] and "Aham Brahmasmi"
["I am Brahman"] [vedantic
sayings are of two kinds chief and
secondary. The texts which
propound the nature of the jiva and Brahman are
secondary texts and produce
indirect [intellectual] knowledge. The
chief texts propound the identity
of the jiva and
Brahman and produce direct knowledge]
mahima. greatness; glory; magnification;
extensive magnitude; miracle
maitri. friendliness; friendship; love
mala. taint; impurity; defilement; defect;
ignorance; limitation of consciousness; also a
flower garland or string of beads, usually 108,
used to count off repetitions of a mantra
malina. impure; defective
mamakara. treating things
as "mine"
mana[h]. mental; the perceiving
faculty that receives the messages of the
manana. deep contemplation; subtle enquiry;
hearing and profound reflection; meditation on the
eternal verities; second of the three stages of
vedantic realisation
manas. mind; reason; mentality; the middle
levels of mind which exist as or include the mental
body [the mind ever changes its point of
concentration from one object to another, so it is
always restless. It is not only restless but also
turbulent and impetuous, strong and obstinate. It
produces agitation in the body and senses and is
even more difficult to control than the
manasika. pertaining to the mind; mental;
mental action
mandala. realm; encirclement; circle;
mandir[a]. temple; abode
mangala[m]. auspicious
mani. jewel
manolaya. temporary stillness of thought;
temporary suspension of all mental faculties;
involution and dissolution of the mind into its
manonasa. extinction of the mind; complete
and permanent destruction of the mind; remaining
permanently as one is without the rising of any
doubt or thought such as, "Nothing is known" or
"Something is known"
manonirodha. control or annihilation of the
mantra[m]. a word or utterance of
great potency taken from the Vedas which is
believed to have a special spiritual power; sacred
syllable[s] or formula through the
repetition and reflection of which one attains
Perfection or Self-realisation [man
means the "mind" and tra means "to cross",
so a mantra is an utterance that "crosses the mind"
into silence]
mantraksharas. potent sound syllables for
the worship of deities
mara. the embodiment of the power of cosmic
evil and delusion
marana. causing destruction through the use
of certain mantras
marg[a]. a spiritual path; approach
to Self-realisation
maruts. belonging to the warrior caste, they
are restless, warlike young men feared by everyone;
the Brahmanda Purana explains that the seven
groups of seven Maruts dwell respectively in seven
spheres known as the earth, the sun, the moon, the
stars, the planets, the Seven Seers [Great
Bear], and the Changeless Star
mata. mother
math[a]. a meeting place and abode
of sadhu; a monastery
mati. thought; view; opinion; faith;
religion; doctrine; tradition; conviction
matsarya. envy
mauna [mouna]. silence; still
silence; abidance in stillness; intense activity
which is performed with the entire mind and without
break; the only intense activity which completely
destroys maya; one of Ramana Maharshi's favourite
synonyms for the silent thought-free experience of
the Self of undisturbed peace and total
mauna diksha. silent initiation
mauna paravak. silent transcendental
maya. "that which is not"; "that which does not
exist"; the superimposition without beginning; the
illusion; the illusive power of Brahman that makes
the false appearance of the unreal world appear to
be real; illusory creation; the veiling and the
projecting power of the universe; time and space;
doubt; the sense-world of manifold phenomena which
conceals the unity of absolute being [by the
power of maya the supreme Lord playfully creates
multiple worlds and deludes all beings, who are in
essence non-different from Him]medha.
power of understanding; intelligence or
mela. a fair; large religious gathering
mimamsa. "investigation"; an orthodox school
of hindu philosophy whose primary enquiry is into
the nature of dharma based on close hermeneutics of
the Vedas [the nature of dharma is not
accessible to reason or observation, and must be
inferred from the authority of the revelation
contained in the Vedas]
mitahara. moderate appetite, neither eating
too much nor too little; nor consuming meat, fish,
shellfish, fowl or eggs
mithya. appearance; the false; unreal;
illusory; untrue; incorrect
mitra. friend; companion; associate; vedic
God of harmony
moha[m]. delusion; obsession based
on a false perception and evaluation of an
moksha. final liberation from birth, death
and re-birth; the state of abiding as the Self;
complete freedom physical, mental and
spiritual; the supreme awakening of the infinite
"I"-consciousness eliminating the limited,
contracted egotistic existence
moksha dhaam. final abode; the place of
complete freedom; the pathless path
mrityu[m]. dead; death
mritya manas. dead mind; mind devoid of
thoughts and turned inward
mudita. joy; happiness
mudras. gestures which are
adopted in order to
fix the mind on the deities residing
in holy places and temples; hand-pose in worship
and dance
mukta. one who has attained spiritual
muktajiva. a liberated individual spirit
mukti. spiritual liberation; the state of
enlightenment; release
mula [moola]. the origin; the root;
the source; the base; the prime
mula bandha. the root lock is performed by
tightening the muscles around the pelvic and
perineum area; a posture where the body from the
anus to the navel is contracted and lifted up and
towards the spine
mula prakriti. the primary essence from
which all things are formed
mula purusha. the primordial Supreme
mula sthula. the distinction of
mula swarupa. the ultimate Source
mumukshu. one who desires to be
mumukshutva. the desire for liberation; one
of the four prerequisites for qualification as a
spiritual aspirant of vedanta
muni [mouni]. a silent one; one
observing the vow of silence; sage; ascetic
murta. divine spirit
murti. embodiment; an image that expresses a
divine spirit; a god-aspect; a representation of a
divinity, made usually of stone, wood, or metal,
which serves as a means through which a divinity
may be worshiped; a statue representing the
transcendental "otherness" of the Divine; idol;
of the page
nada. sound; the resonance of sound; mystic
inner sound; the sound represented by OM
nadi. psychic nerve current; a channel in
the subtle body through which subtle psychic energy
[prana] flows
nah[a]. "our"; "of us"
naham. "I am not the body"
nama. the spiritual or essential properties
of an object or being
nama archanas. worship of
deities by reciting sacred names
namajapa. repetition of a name of God
namarupa. name and form
namaskar [namaste]. "I bow to
[your] form"; "My greetings, salutations,
prostration to you", a respectful act of
nana. diversity
nara. man
narada. a primeval sage to whom some of the
verses of the Rigveda are attributed
narayana. supreme God; Lord Vishnu
nasha. destruction
nataraja. "King of the Dance"; a title of
Shiva, as the cosmic dancer
natha. ruler; protector; Lord
navaneeta. butter
neti-neti. "not this, not this"; "it is
neither knowledge nor ignorance"; analytical
process of progressively negating all names and
forms in order to arrive at the eternal underlying
Truth [Sri Ramana says that "after negating all
as not this, not this, the awareness of the Self of
all remains, and That I am"]
nididhyasana. constancy in the Self;
one-pointedness of the mind; cultivation of
equanimity in the Self; unwavering, perpetual
meditation; third of the three stages of vedantic
nidra. sleep; either dreaming or deep sleep
nirakara. without form
niranjana. without blemish; spotless
nirasa. desirelessness
nirguna. unmanifested; without form, quality
or attribute
nirguna brahman. the supreme Reality,
without form, quality or attribute;
invisible, unmanifest Brahman; the Brahman that
pervades the universe; the impersonal,
attributeless Absolute beyond all description or
nirmala. pure; without impurity; without
defect or blemish
nirodha. restraint; restriction;
suppression; dissolution; cessation;
nirvana. the state of liberation or
egolessness; final emancipation; absolute
nirveda. indifference
nirvikalpa. indeterminate; non-conceptual;
without the modifications of the mind; the
undifferentiating man
nirvikalpa samadhi. the state of
Self-absorption; transcendental awareness; a state
in which all differences between the individual
self and Reality cease to exist, because the
distinction between knower, knowledge and known is
lost; beyond all duality; the state free from
ideation in which nothing is perceived
nirvikara. without transformation,
modifications, or change; changeless
nischala bhava. immobility; steadfastness;
nishkama karma. desireless action;
disinterested action; action dedicated to Reality
without personal desire for the fruits of the
action; selfless action
nishkamya punya. the spiritual merit that
accumulates from doing good deeds that are
performed without any particular motive
nishta. steady abidance in the Self; firmly
established in one's own essential nature
nirvedam. indifference; non-reaction;
non-susceptibility; the state of being unmoved or
not influenced by something
nirvedya. unknowable
nirvichara samadhi. a stage in samadhi
wherein only pure awareness remains without
deliberation, reasoning or enquiry
nitya. eternal; permanent; ever-free;
unchanging; the ultimate Reality; the eternal
nityanitya vastu viveka. discrimination
between what is eternal and what
is fleeting
nitya shuddha. eternally pure
nivritti. negation; the path of turning away
from activity; withdrawal; renunciation
nivritti marg[a]. the path of
renunciation, of withdrawal from the world
niyamas. self-purification and study;
religious observances divided into five disciplines
that should all be practiced in word, thought and
deed purity, contentment, austerity, study
of the sacred texts and constantly living with an
awareness of the divine presence; the "shall-do" in
dealings with the inner world; the second of the
eight limbs of ashtanga yoga
nyasas. the assignment of different parts of
the body to various deities, with mantras and
ojas. vitality; vigour; luster; inner light;
splendour; spiritual energy
[aum]. the
sacred syllable which represents the non-dual
supreme Reality [Parabrahman]; the
primordial sound vibration from which all sounds
emerge; unity of all that is visible and
om tat. That eternal God
omkara. the sound manifestation of the
highest consciousness or highest light called
padam. "the foot"; feet; the ultimate
support; a synonym for the Self
padartha. substance; material
padarthabhavana. knowledge of the Truth; seeing
Brahman everywhere; perceiving the inner essence
and not the outer physical form of things, as the
separation between subject and a distinct object
has dissolved; when external things do not appear
to exist and tasks get performed without any sense
of doership; the sixth stage in the path of
padma. lotus; a yoga posture in which the
right foot is placed on the left thigh and the left
foot on the right thigh; a synonym for the Self
padmasana[m]. the lotus-posture of
sitting for meditation
pakva. fit; proper; mature
panch. five
panchabhuta [panchabhoota]. the five
elements ether, air, fire, water and earth
[akasa, vayu, agni, jala and prithivi]
panchama. "the fifth" caste; those people
considered to be left out from the four hindu caste
pancharatra. the Vaishnava Sanskrit texts
dedicated to worship of Narayana and which form
part of the Agamas
panchikarana. five-fold self-division and
mutual combination; quintuplication
pandavas. the five sons of King Pandu
Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva
whose lives are described in the
pandit. scholar; pundit; learned
papam. vices; sins; sinful actions; full of
sinful activities; disgrace
para[m]. highest; transcendental;
supreme; supra; great
parabhakti. supreme devotion
parabrahma. supreme Reality; supreme Lord
that assumes unlimited forms; beyond Brahma; that
stage of knowledge from where no one can return
parama. Highest
paramaguru. the Guru's Guru
paramakasam. supreme or infinite space
paramakash. spiritual world; pure being
paramananda. supreme bliss; great
paramapada. the supreme abode
paramartha. the highest attainment, purpose
or goal; the understanding of Final Reality;
absolute Truth
paramarthika. Self; the only real or true
existence; an epithet of Arjuna, meaning "He who
destroys his enemy"
paramarthika jiva. ego in deep sleep state;
the ego which comes in front of Self and forgets
everything, knowing that everything is unreal;
identical with Brahman;
paramarthika satya. absolute Reality; the
eternal Reality which pervades everything at all
times; the permanent state of existence where
object and subject have merged together
paramatma[n]. the absolute Self
identical with Brahman; the supreme primordial Self
at the core of every individual being which
remains in one and the same form with its
consciousness not undergoing any change; pure
unlimited consciousness; eternal existence
paramatma swarupa. the true nature of the
Self which is attribute-free consciousness;
embodiment of the supreme Absolute
parameshwara [parameswara]. the
supreme Lord; the supreme God; refers to the sole
deity in monotheism
parameshwara shakti. the power of the
supreme Lord
parampara. tradition; one following another;
lineage; uninterrupted succession
parampurusha. the imperishable Self; the
supreme spirit
paranirvana. the Supreme; Final Nirvana;
when the perfectly enlightened individual is
released from physical embodiment, never to return
to birth in any world, high or low
parasamvit. supreme knowledge; supreme
consciousness; the supreme experiencing Principle;
Self-luminous knowledge; pure consciousness
parashakti. supreme power
paravak. supreme word; transcendental
speech; unspoken word
parayana. the chanting of the Vedas
pardharma. a path that is alien to the Self
and devoted to non-Self
parinami. change; modification;
transformation; evolution; development
parinami nitya. changing permanent; changing
eternal; maya
paripurna[m]. the perfect state;
all-full; self-contained
parivrajaka. one who wanders; a roaming
ascetic; one who has renounced the world; a
parvati. the daughter of King Himalaya; the
consort of Shiva
patala. the seven lower regions of the
universe, which are located under the earth;
underworld or netherworld
patanjali. a yogi of ancient India; the author
of the Yoga Sutras
pavitra. holy; pure; purified; can also mean
purifier or sanctifier
payasa[m]. a sweet rice pudding made
from rice, milk, ghee, sugar and spices
pingala. solar power or energy; a solar nadi
or psychic nerve current which terminates in the
right nostril; it is heating in its effect
pitha. seat; throne; chair; a place where
something is centred or established
pitru karmas. oblations, etc.,
carried out for the sake of forefathers to help
them reach a
high state
prachodayat [pracodayat]. "may
enlighten"; "may guide"; "may stimulate"; "may
inspire"; "may sharpen"; "may illuminate"; "may
pradakshina. walking around a sacred place,
object or person in a clockwise direction,
signifying that the Lord is the Centre and Source
of life
pradhana. the potential but unmanifest
ingredients of the material world; prakriti; the
chief; the root base of all elements;
undifferentiated matter; the material cause of the
world in the Sankhya philosophy, corresponding to
maya in vedanta [it, however, differs from maya
in the following points: it is real, while maya is
unreal or phenomenal; it is independent of spirit,
while maya is dependent on God]
prajna[nam]. deep sleep;
consciousness as essence of the Self or pure
consciousness; wisdom; dreamless sleep, where there
are no desires nor any dreams; undivided state
consisting of bliss; enjoyer of bliss
prajnanam brahma. "Consciousness is
Brahman"; "Brahman is the supreme knowledge";
"Knowing absolute Reality is the supreme
knowledge"; one of the Mahavakyas to be found in
the Aitareya Upanishad of the
prajnavastha. transcendental state of
consciousness in which the dichotomy between
grossness and subtlety disappears in
superconsciousness; the pure consciousness of
divinity in which the differentiating and
diversifying faculties of the mind become
inoperative and all mundane desires and dreams
wishes are sublimated into the bliss of spiritual
prakarana. a subject, topic; chapter;
treatise; discussion
prakash[a]. shining; luminous;
effulgence; illumination; luminosity;
prakriyas. basic teaching methodologies used
in teaching vedanta
prakriti [prakruti]. "nature";
causal matter; primordial substance out of which
all things are created; the cause of illusive
creation, the delusion; the primal nature without
an "I"-sense; primordial unmanifest essence; that
state in which the three gunas exist in equilibrium
[when this equilibrium is disturbed, creation
begins and the body, senses and mind are formed.
The man who is deluded by egoism identifies the
Self with the body, mind, the life-force and the
senses, and ascribes to the Self all the attributes
of the body and the senses. In fact, the gunas of
nature perform all actions]
prakritilaya. absorbed or merged in
prakrteh parah. irrelevance of dissolution
of consciousness; beyond this material world
pralaya. dissolution; destruction;
prama. valid knowledge; true knowledge;
knowledge of the Real; knowledge free from error
and above doubt
pramada. swerving from abidance in the
Absolute; the forgetfulness of one's Self
pramana. the means of knowledge
pramanya[m]. truth; validity;
prana. the subtle life-force; breath or
vital force; inhalation; positive animating energy
and vitality in life; the first of the five vital
airs centred in the Heart [chest region];
the vital air that maintains the elements of the
body in balance and controls their function; the
ability to move and to develop; the prevalent
element is air
prana pratishtha. when an image of a
deity is consecrated for worship, a connection is
established with the particular aspect of the
Divine which it represents and its image therefore
becomes a live focus for the transmission of divine
power and blessing
pranam. to bow; to greet with respect;
respectful or reverential gesture made by putting
the hands together palm-to-palm in front of the
pranava. a title of OM, meaning life-ness or
pranava japa. incantation of OM
pranayama. yogic breathing exercises;
control of the subtle life-force by means of
special modes of breathing; regulation of breath
leading to integration of mind and body; the fourth
of the eight limbs of ashtanga yoga
prapancha. the world; the five elements; the
illusory world appearance [this world is only
relatively real and the real Self is not affected
by it]
prarabdha. karmic "seeds" that have begun to
prarabdha karma. the destined acts that one
has to undergo in one's present life; the part of
sanchita karma which is ready to be experienced
through the present body incarnation; portion of
the past karma which is responsible for the present
body [Ramana Maharshi presents another
viewpoint when he says, "If the agent, upon whom
the karma depends, namely the ego, which has come
into existence between the body and the Self,
merges in its Source and loses its form, how can
the karma, which depends upon it, survive? When
there is no "I" there is no karma"]
prasad[a]. a consecrated offering;
anything offered to a deity or Guru becomes prasad
when some or all of it is accepted, blessed and
returned to the donor or distributed publicly
pratibhasika. apparent or illusory life
based on imagination alone; personal world; the
level in which appearances are actually false, like
the illusion of a snake over a rope, or a dream;
having neither basis, nor any existence;
pratibhasika jiva. ego in the dream state
which says this world is illusory
pratibhasika satya. apparent or illusory
reality which appears to an individual; the
experience of the dreaming state
pratibha. special mental power; imaginative
insight; intelligence; splendour of knowledge;
intuition; ever-creative activity or
pratima. image; symbol; reflection; idol;
pratyagatman. the Self, whose existence is
directly experienced only by turning one's vision
inward; the indwelling Self
pratyahara. abstraction or withdrawal of the
mind and senses from their objects in order to
still the mind; the absorption of the mind in the
supreme consciousness by realising the Self in all
objects; the fifth of the eight limbs of ashtanga
pratyaksha. perception; directly perceived;
immediate perception
pravritti. action; endeavour; to turn
pravritti marg[a]. the path of
active involvement in the world
prayag. modern-day Allahabad; site of the
confluence of the three sacred rivers
[triveni] Ganges, Yamuna and
underground Saraswati
prayatna. effort; attempt; conscious
prema. love, both human and Divine; in the
latter sense, an ecstatic experience
premabhakti. intense love of Reality; to be
one with Reality
premakash. universal heart
prithivi. the earth element from which the
sense of smell arises
priya[m]. dear; beloved; pleasing;
also means the happiness or joy felt when seeing a
beloved object
puja [pooja]. worship; ceremonial
worship with flowers, water... of a hindu deity;
ritual; offering of various articles representing
aspects of oneself to the object of
pujari. one who performs ritualistic
punarjanma. taking birth again; rebirth;
pundit. scholar; learned individual
punya. merit; virtue; meritorious acts; the
result of virtuous deeds
puraka. inhalation
purana [puratana]. the ancient; the
puranas. a number of ancient scriptures
attributed to the sage Vyasa that teach spiritual
principles and practices through stories about
sacred historical personages which often include
their teachings given in conversations
purna[m] [poornam].
complete; fullness
purnima. full moon day
purusha. the supreme Self which pervades the
universe; conscious spirit; the living Principle;
cosmic being whose mind is the moon, whose eyes are
the sun and whose breath is the wind; That which
fills the whole world with the form of
purushartha. that which is sought by man;
refers to a goal, end or aim of human existence;
there are generally considered to be four such
objectives worthy of human pursuit wealth
[artha], desire [kama],
righteousness [dharma] and liberation
purushottama. the best of men; an epithet of
puryastaka. cosmic subtle body; the
reflection of consciousness within itself
radha. the most celebrated of the gopis, the
dearest to Krishna
raga. attachment; affinity for
something, implying a desire for it; greed;
raga bhakti. supreme Love, making one
attached only to Reality
raga dwesha. the continual cycle of desire
and aversion, like and dislike
raja. king; royal
raja yoga. the yoga of physical and mental
control; often called the royal yoga, it offers a
comprehensive method for controlling the waves of
thought by turning mental and physical energy into
spiritual energy through meditation and
contemplation; one of the four paths of yoga
raja yogi. the one who practices samyama
[the combined practice of one-pointedness of
mind, meditation and staying quiet in blissful
awareness at one and the same time]
rajas. qualities of restlessness, passion,
activity, excitability, aggressiveness and emotion;
the principle of dynamism in nature bringing about
all changes; through this is protected the relative
appearance of the Absolute as the universe; second
of the three qualities [gunas] of nature
associated with motion, energy and preservation
rajasa ahamkara. egoism born of passion and
rajasic. passionate; active; restless;
pertaining to rajas; the rajasic intellect is not
able to distinguish between righteous
and unrighteous actions
rajasika. passionate; active; restless
rajoguna. restless activity; passion; desire
for an object or goal; transformation and change;
evolution; basis of pulsations, vibrations,
oscillations, and fluctuations in nature; symmetry
breaking tendency; originating from desires and
attachments, it leads to anticipations and
attachments of results; hostile force that pulls
one down into samsara
rakshasa. unrighteous spirit; evil spirit;
demon; can even have the appearance of a spiritual
rama lila. dramatic folk re-enactment
celebrating the life of Ram
ram mantra. repetition of the name of Ram, a
name for God
rama. an incarnation of God; the king of
ancient Ayodhya in north-central India
ramana. enjoyer; one who enjoys or delights
in something
ramayana. the great hindu epic poem by
Valmiki describing the life of Rama and his
rani. queen
rasa. taste; essence; savour; juice; nectar
of delight
rati. pleasure
rechaka. exhalation
riddhi. highest experiential delight;
increase; growth; prosperity; success; wealth
rigveda. the most ancient collection of
hindu sacred verses and the first of the four
Vedas, dating from 2000 BC or earlier,
consisting of several mythological and poetical
accounts of the origin of the world, hymns praising
the gods, and ancient prayers for life and
prosperity; "praise verse"
rishi. a sage; seer of the Truth
rita[m]. law; right; order; Truth;
the natural order of things
rudra. Lord Shiva in one of his five
aspects; God as destroyer; He who drives away sin
or suffering
rudras. vedic deities of destruction for
renewal, the chief of which is Shiva; associated
with the ten vital energies [rudra prana]
in the body and the eleventh being the Self; they
are at times identified with the Maruts, while at
other times considered distinct from them
runa. bondage
rupa. physical; form; body: the physical
presence that an object or being manifests
of the page
sabija. with seed; with attributes;
producing samskaras or subtle karmas
sabija samadhi. savikalpa samadhi wherein
the seeds of samskaras or karmas are not destroyed,
and which produces the highest and subtlest of
samskaras or karmas
sadachara. morality; right behavior
sadashiva. eternally auspicious; eternally
happy; eternally prosperous; a title of Shiva, the
eternally auspicious One
sadguru [satguru]. a fully
enlightened Guru who is established in Truth, the
underlying existence of Reality; the great master;
true Guru, or the Guru who reveals the Real
sadhak[a]. an aspirant; spiritual
disciple or devotee; one who practices a spiritual
discipline, particularly meditation
sadhana. spiritual discipline; spiritual
practice performed for the purpose of preparing
oneself for Self-realisation; the means by which
liberation is attained [it is difficult to
conquer desire because it is of a highly complex
and incomprehensible nature, but a man of
discrimination and dispassion, who does constant
and intense sadhana, can conquer it quite
sadhana chatushtaya. the four-fold aids
to spiritual practice [1. the ability to
discriminate between the transient and the Eternal
| 2. the absence of desire for securing pleasure or
pain either here or elsewhere | 3. the attainment
of calmness, temperance, spirit of renunciation,
fortitude, power of concentration of mind, and
faith | 4. an intense desire for
sadhu. a noble person, or one who has
realised the Self; an ascetic or one who has
renounced the world in quest of liberation; seeker
of Truth; one who is practising spiritual
disciplines; one who has dedicated his life to
spiritual endeavour; engaged in the pursuit and
enjoyment of the bliss of the Self
sadhu seva. serving a sadhu or a
sadhvi. a female sadhu
sadhyas. deities who guard rites and prayers
to the more important Gods
sagar[a]. sea; ocean
saguna. manifested; possessing attributes or
saguna brahman. the Absolute with qualities;
manifest Brahman; the Absolute conceived as the
creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe;
the highest attainment which is eternal and
sahaja. natural; used by Ramana Maharshi to
designate the permanent and highest level of
experiencing the Self
sahaja jnani. a person who abides in his
natural state, having attained Self-knowledge
sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi. the permanent and
natural state of absorption in one's Self without
concepts; remaining alertly aware and thought-free,
with a still mind devoid of differentiation of Self
and non-Self even while being engaged in the
activities of worldly life
sahaja nishta. being established in the
natural state of the Self after completely
discarding sense objects; one's own true
experience; the natural state
sahaja samadhi. functioning naturally from
the Self; natural and permanent abidance in
sahaja sthiti. the natural state
sahasrara. the lotus of the thousand petals
in the crown of the head
sahasrara chakra. the topmost yogic centre
situated in the head; the highest centre of
sahitya. association; connection; society;
combination; harmony
saiva [shaiva]. the devotion or
worship of Lord Shiva; pertaining to Shiva; a
devotee of Shiva
sakara. "with form"
sakshatakara. Self-realisation; direct
perception; direct experience; experience of the
sakshi [saksi]. the pure witness;
the witness Self which passively observes the
actions of the body and the senses without any
contact with activity; the intuitive seer of Truth;
the vision of the Self as the all-pervading
sakshichaitanya. the witness consciousness
or intelligence
sama. control of the mind; abandonment of
desires at all times; tranquility
samadarshana. equal vision; seeing all
things equally; equal-sightedness; equanimity
samadhana. perfect concentration of the mind
on the one Reality; concentration and contemplation
upon the vedantic texts and the words of the
samadhi. transcendental awareness; the quiet
state of blissful awareness; oneness; union with
Brahman; the goal of all yogic practice, which is
attained when the yogi constantly sees the supreme
Self in his Heart; a direct but temporary
absorption in the Self in which there is only the
feeling "I am" and no thoughts; the state of
superconsciousness where Reality is experienced
attended with all-knowledge and joy [when prana
and apana flow together through the central passage
of the spinal column to the top of the head, the
experience of samadhi takes place]; here the
mind becomes identified with the object of
meditation and the meditator and the meditated,
thinker and thought become one in perfect
absorption of the mind; the eighth of the eight
limbs of ashtanga yoga; the term is also used to
describe the tomb of a saint
samadrishti. an equality
of vision
samana. the third of the five vital airs
which controls the ability to balance, hold and
contract; the general force of digestion
[abdominal region]; circulation; the
prevalent element is fire
samarasa. homogeneity; even essence;
equilibrium; the process of bringing the body into
a harmonious resonance with Reality
samarasya. the oneness which results from
the elimination of all differences
samasti. cosmic; collective; an integrated
whole of the same class of entity
samata. equality; impartiality;
samaveda. the third of the four
Vedas, dating from 1700 BC, consisting of
hymns, portions of hymns, and detached verses to be
sung [using specifically indicated
melodies] by the udgatar priests at sacrifices
in which the juice of the soma plant, clarified and
mixed with milk and other ingredients, is offered
in libation to various deities; "melody"
samhara. destruction; dissolution
samhita. "compilation of knowledge"; a
collection of vedic mantras or hymns mainly
concerned with nature and deities; the
Samhitas form the first part of each of the
four Vedas; one of the two primary sections
of each of the Vedas, containing hymns and
sacred formulae, the other section being the
sampradaya. tradition; school; doctrine;
handed-down instruction
samprajnata samadhi. meditation with
concepts; contemplation
samprajuata. silent mind in meditation
samprayoga. contact of the senses with their
objects; communication; interchange; uniting;
samsaktti. attachment; selfimposed
conditioning where the infinite Self is taken to be
identical with the physical body
samsangam. contact; attachment
samsara. repetitive history; worldly
bondage; earthly suffering; the continuous round of
birth and death to which the individual is
subjected until it attains liberation; earthly
samsari. person entangled in this material
world; materially contaminated; materialist
samshaya. doubt; suspicion
samskara. innate tendency; impression; a
mental impression or tendency continuing from the
samudra[m]. ocean,
samvedana[m]. thinking; cognition;
comprehension; feeling; experience; knowledge
samvit. knowledge; consciousness; awareness;
samyama. the three disciplines of
one-pointedness of mind, meditation and staying
quiet in blissful awareness all practiced
simultaneously; an all-complete condition of
balance and repose
sanatana. eternal; everlasting; ancient;
sanchita karma. all the accumulated actions
of all previous births that still remains to be
experienced; the store of karmic debts accumulated
from the past or previous births; a collection of
past karmas
sandhya. juncture; junction point;
transitional period
sanga [sangha]. association or
assembly; company or community with a common goal,
vision or purpose
sankalpa [samkalpa]. volition; a
wish that something should happen; desire;
intention; imagination; mental activity; idea;
tendency and attachment
sankhya [samkhya]. original vedic
philosophy which teaches that liberation and true
knowledge are attained in the supreme
consciousness; one of the six orthodox systems of
hindu philosophy whose originator is the sage
sankhya yoga. the union of the body and
sannyasa [samnyasa]. renunciation;
monastic life; the fourth and last stage of life in
which a man renounces family, possessions, caste,
social position everything to which he
is attached and surrenders himself to the
divine Reality [technically, it is of two
kinds: vividisa sannyasa preceded by a sense
of detachment from the world; and the other
is vidvat sannyasa, which
is sannyasa par excellence, preceded by
the dawn of the realisation of Reality. In the
former, certain rules of discipline have to be
observed. The latter is total freedom]
sannyasin [samnyasin]. one who has
renounced the world; one who has neither attachment
nor aversion to anything; one who has renounced
egoism and desires
santa[m]. tranquility; tranquil and
boundless ocean of the Self; pacified; peaceful;
santa vak. in silence
santodanta. one who is calm and
santosha. contentment; peacefulness
sapthaha. pilgrimage
sarangati dharma. self-surrender;
surrendering all actions to the Divine with the
thought, "I perform all actions for the sake of the
Lord only"
saraswati. goddess of speech, wisdom,
learning and the arts
sariram. body
sarva. all; everything; complete
sarvajna. knowing everything;
sarvajnatva. omniscience
sarvam khalvidam brahma. "All of this is
Brahman"; "All of this, including me, is that
absolute Reality"; one of the Mahavakyas
sarvasunya. the state devoid of all sense
sarvatma bhava. the state of experiencing
the Self as all; abidance in oneness
sarvamatma. knower and the non-knower of the
sat. the underlying existence of Reality;
the Truth; the Supreme; the Real; true existence;
pure being that is undistorted by bias, prejudice,
or belief systems
satachara. the observance of Reality
satbodham. being-consciousness
sat-chit-ananda. the natural state of
being-knowledge-bliss; Truth being in bliss; Truth
being in bliss; the Source of knowledge or
consciousness; pure knowledge [Sri Ramana
teaches that the Self is pure being, a subjective
awareness of "I am" which is completely devoid of
the feeling "I am this" or "I am that". There are
no subjects or objects in the Self, only an
awareness of being. Because this awareness is
conscious, It is also known as consciousness. The
direct experience of this consciousness is,
according to Sri Ramana, a state of unbroken
happiness and so the term ananda or bliss is also
used to describe it. These three aspects, being,
consciousness and bliss, are experienced as a
unitary Whole and not as separate attributes of the
Self. They are inseparable in the same way that
wetness, transparency and liquidity are inseparable
properties of water]
satguru [sadguru]. the supreme Self;
divine consciousness in the form of an enlightened
sage who guides initiated disciples along the
spiritual path, the summation of which is the
realisation of the Self; true dispeller of darkness
and revealer of light; a perfect master who teaches
the perfect knowledge and love of Reality
satkarma. good or meritorious acts
satsang[a]. company with Truth;
keeping conscious company; association with one's
true nature; association with the wise; the
practice of the presence of Reality that removes
association with worldly objects and destroys all
attachments or tendencies of the mind
sattva [sattwa]. qualities of
harmony, goodness, purity, intelligence, serenity
and light; first of the three qualities
[gunas] of nature associated with
sattvaguna. the single principle which leads
to happiness, sentience, unity and unification,
symmetry, salvation and liberation; resistance to
binding action and to both positive and negative
space-time curvatures; facilitates the reflection
of consciousness and is favourable for the
attainment of liberation; it's effect is
Brahmavichara [enquiry for Truth through the
differentiation between the Real and the
sattvapatti. purity of Heart; attaining
Reality; the passage of the mind in Truth; a state
of mind wherein the mind is full of purity and
light; when the aspirant begins to feel the being
of the real Self within him; the fourth stage in
the path of Self-knowledge
sattvasamsuddhi. purity of heart; purity of
feeling; increase of light and purity
sattvic. pure; harmonious; steady;
pertaining to sattva
satya[m]. truthfulness; honesty, the
satyam-shivam-sundaram. "The True, God and
the Beautifull"
satya grahin. seeker of Truth
satya kama. he who longs or desires for
satya narayana. supreme Truth
satya sankalpa. true intentions; good
intentions; whatever he desires is fulfilled by the
Lord's Grace [first of all, he does not desire
anything for his material benefit, and secondly if
he desires anything at all, he simply desires to
serve the supreme Lord. That desire is fulfilled by
the Lord's Grace]
satya yuga. the age of the Truth, where
everyone in the world is truthful; "golden age":
this yuga [age] lasts 1,728 million years
and the lifespan of humans is up to 100,000 years;
the first of four yugas
savikalpa. possessing variety or admitting
of distinctions
savikalpa samadhi. a state of consciousness
in which the distinction between knower, knowledge
and known is not lost; a state of samadhi in which
one's consciousness temporarily dissolves into
Reality; absorption in Reality where the
consciousness of duality and multiplicity still
savitri. name for the sun the
protector, the luminous, life-giving energy; deity
associated with the Gayatri mantra
savitur. the radiating Source of all
creation with the brightness of the sun; the
spiritual light that destroys ignorance and bestows
wisdom, bliss and eternity; divine illumination
sayujya. becoming one with Reality; united
with Reality; union; merging
seva. selfless service
shabda. sound; word
shabdakshara. sound syllable; OM
shak [sak]. "to be able"; "to have
shakta [sakta]. the worship of
shakti; powerful
shakti [sakti]. power; potency; the
force, energy or activity of the Divine; more
specifically, the power through which the universe
is created and sustained; cosmic energy; the
apparent dynamic aspect of eternal beingness; pure
blissful consciousness; the entire creation is
shakti's thought
shaktipat[a]. direct transmission of
spiritual energy
shama. calmness; tranquility; control of the
internal sense organs; same; equal
shambho. the beneficient; auspicious; origin
of bliss; bestower of happiness
shankara. the auspicious One; beneficent
One; Adi [the first] Shankaracharya; the
great reformer and re-establisher of vedic religion
in India around 300 BC
shantam [santam]. peaceful
shanti [santi]. tranquillity; calm;
contentment; peace, the peace of mind that one
experiences when one is directly experiencing the
sharanam. refuge; protection; shelter
sharira. body
shastra [sastra]. sacred hindu
analytical scripture; spiritual treatise
shastri [sastri]. one who is a
scholar and master of the scriptures
shatkasampatti [satkasampatti]. the
six great virtues [1. control of the mind | 2.
control of the sense organs | 3. cessation of
activities related to caste, creed and family | 4.
patient forbearance of suffering | 5. faith in the
holy scriptures and trust in the Guru | 6.
concentration and contemplation upon the vedantic
texts and the words of the Guru]; one of the
four prerequisites for qualification as a spiritual
aspirant of vedanta
shaucha [saucha]. purity; internal
and external cleanliness; avoidance of impurity in
body, mind and speech
shesha. the endless; infinite
shiksha. teaching; instruction
shila. conduct; good behavior; right
discipline; morality; quality or property; stone;
shishya. disciple; student; also means a
shrotra. ear; the sense or faculty of
shruti [sruti]. sacred scripture;
that which is heard or revealed; revealed scripture
in the sense of divine communication with the
original impusle "I am"; generally applied to the
Vedas and Upanishads
shubha. auspicious; fortunate
shuddha. pure; clear; clean; untainted
shukshma deha. the subtle or astral body,
which possess nineteen properties five vital
breaths, ten organs and four inner sense organs;
the body for enjoying worldly pleasures
siddha. one who has attained Self-realisation;
one who has become Self; a seer of Truth;
accomplished being; a perfected yogi; the one who
has become Self or All; those without attachments
or aversions
siddhaloka. the highest realm of existence
in which the fully liberated live
siddhanta. the doctrine; the final
statement; the tradition; the goal; the
siddhasana. eternal Reality; also a
particular Yogic posture
siddhi. realisation; attainment;
accomplishment; achievement; mastery
siddhi yoga. yogic attainment which can only
be attained and sustained by effort, and that when
the effort lapses, the "attainment" disappears
siddhis. supernatural powers attained
through mantra, meditation, or other yogic
practices; miracle
sita. the consort of Rama and daughter of King
siva [shiva]. a hindu name for God;
God as the destroyer or transformer; one of the
hindu trinity; the supreme Lord; He who is all
bliss and the giver of happiness to all
siva bodha. God-knowledge or
siva jnana. the mind-free natural state
siva lingam. the symbol of Shiva which is an
object of worship; a column-like or egg-shaped
symbol of Shiva, usually made of stone
sivam [shivam]. the true
consciousness of Shiva; the Self; the highest and
most abstract tattva or principle
sivoham. the incantation "I am Shiva"
skandha. group; aggregate
sloka. a stanza in Sanskrit poetry
smarana[m]. remembrance [of
smriti [smrti]. "what is
remembered"; authoritative "remembered" scriptures
composed after the Vedas around 500 BC; a
codified component of hindu laws on dharma
[this is seen in the Ramayana, in which
the traditions of the main characters portray a
strict adherence to or observance of dharma];
seen as secondary in authority to sruti
snana. ritual bath in a sacred river, pond,
lake, or ocean
soham. "I am He" [Reality]; "That am
soma. "elixir of immortality"; a ancient
vedic ritual drink prepared by extracting juice
from the stalks of a ephedra plant; in the
Vedas, the drink and the plant refer to the
same entity, and is perceived as a giver of
immortality, a healthy and long life, offspring,
happiness, courage, strength, victory over enemies,
wisdom, understanding and creativity
spanda. vibration; expanding vibration;
flutter; throb; movement; pulsation; creative
pulsation; the principle of apparent movement from
the state of absolute unity to the plurality of the
sparsha. touch; sense contact
sphurana. vibration; a throbbing; a
pulsation; [Ramana Maharshi generally
associated it with aham, the "I", in which context
it means the continuously experienced emanation of
the real "I", the Self]
sraddha. earnestness; faith; faith in the
scriptures and the Guru; confidence or assurance
that arises from personal experience
srauta. a vedic tradition that places more
emphasis on the performance of rituals
[yajnas], rather than having a set of
sravana [shravana]. hearing,
especially the sacred Truth from the master;
devoted attention to the precepts of the Guru;
first of the three stages of vedantic
sri [shri]. holy; sacred; excellent;
venerable; blessedness
srimad bhagavat. one of the
main 18 Puranas, dealing with
the avataras of Vishnu, especially and in
great detail with the life of Lord Krishna
srishti. creation; projection or gradual
unfoldment of what exists potentially in the cause;
evolution of the universe from its seed state
srishti drishti. creation followed by
sruti. "what is heard"; pitch; vedic text
directly revealed in meditation to the vedic seers
of Truth, comprising the central canon of hinduism
and is one of the three main sources of dharma
sthala. abode; place; hall
sthambana. freezing one's capabilities
sthira. fixed; firm; still; steady; stable;
sthitaprajna. one who firmly abides in the
state of Self-knowledge; the unshakable man who is
calm, full of wisdom and rooted in God; a
Self-realised sage
sthiti. steadiness; stability; subsistence;
continued existence; immobility; firm
sthula [sthoola]. gross; physical or
gross form; the manifest; big or heavy; thick;
coarse; bulky
sthula deha. the gross body; the physical body
made up of the five essential elements; lowest
state of consciousness
stotra[m]. a hymn in praise of
stuti. singing the praises of the Lord with
a great feeling of devotion
subha. auspicious; blessed
subheccha. good desire for enlightenment;
longing for the Truth; noble wish or desire which
arises in the heart of one who aspires to cross
samsara; when the individual having come to the
consciousness of the evils of the earthly living
aspires to transcend it; the first stage in the
path of Self-knowledge
suchi. pure; untainted
suddha. purity
suddha manas. pure mind; mind without
suddha sattva. uncontaminated purity
sudra [shudra]. the fourth and
lowest of the four castes of hindu social order
consisting of laborers, artisans and servants
[in a Sudra, tamas predominates and he renders
service to the other three castes]
sukha. happiness; ease; joy; happy;
pleasant; agreeable
sukshma. subtle; fine or subtle form
sukshma deha. the subtle body
summa iru. "be quiet"; "be still"
sundara[m]. beautiful
sunya [shunya]. void;
nothingness; non-existence; vacuity; nullity; the
interval or gap between every two persons, things,
feelings, thoughts and ideas which of necessity
exists in the world of duality
sunyabhava. thought-free state of emptiness;
the state where the individual is only aware of his
conscious being while everything else is like a
void, without existence
sunya adin. an atheist; one who denies the
existence of God or ultimate Reality
surya. the name for the sun while it is
above the horizon; the presiding deity of the sun,
sometimes identified with Vishnu or the absolute
susumna [sushumna]. the
important psychic nerve current that passes through
the spinal column; the amrita, or eternal
sushupti. "deep dreamless sleep"; the state
in which a person is wrapped in profound
self-oblivion and both the mind and body are
susuptam. "deep sleep"; the total inertia
state in which the seeds of sorrow are still
present and where the world vanishes into dense
sutra. aphoristic words with minimum words and
maximum sense; literally, a "thread"
suttarivu. the false consciousness that
divides itself into someone who sees and objects
that are seen
sutratma. the silver cord in metaphysical
literature, also known as the life thread of the
antahkarana, refers to a life-giving linkage from
the higher Self down to the physical body; it also
refers to an extended synthesis of this thread and
a second [the consciousness thread, passing
from the soul to the physical body] that
connects the physical body to the etheric body,
onwards to the astral body and finally to the
mental body
swabhava [svabhava]. one's own
inherent nature or potentiality; innate nature;
ascent of contemplation
swabhavasthiti. the natural state
swadharma. one's duty or path to one's own
true nature of Self; the natural path that leads to
Self-knowledge, Self-realisation
swadhyaya. personal study; study of the sacred
swah [svah]. the celestial or
spiritual world; the causal realm of existence; the
swaha. "it is offered"; a mantra used when
offering oblations to the sacrificial fire
swamahima [svamahima]. Majesty of
the Self; "in His own glory"
swami. literally, "I am mine", in the sense
of absolute Self mastership; He who is one with his
swanubhava. one's own experience
swapna [svapna]. "dream sleep"; a
dream state characterised by the experience of
division and diversity, which, though illusory,
appear to be real on account of repeated
indulgence, and which are later remembered in the
waking state as having been seen in the dream
swapna jagrat. "dream wakefulness"; the
state in which the memories of the distant past are
revived and experienced as if "now"
swaprakasha. Self-luminous; Self-illumined;
swarga [svarga]. heaven; the
celestial region; a place of light and happiness;
the seven upper regions of the universe
swarupa. real form or real nature; one's
true nature; the Self; one's actual or essential
nature; the underlining Reality that pervades and
supports all manifestation
swarupa nishta. steady abidance in the Self;
continuous attention to the Self until one becomes
wholly absorbed in It
swasthya [svasthya]. Self-abidance
through obliteration of the world
swasti. an expression of salutation meaning
"may it be well with you"; successful; fortune;
swastika. sign of auspiciousness
swayambhu. self-existent or
swayamjyoti. Self-luminous;
swatantra. independent; absolutely free;
freedom; self-rule
taijasa. consciousness turned inward; an
individual in the subtle state, as in a dream; when
the Self, identified with the experiencer, is
veiled and coloured by an individual's subtle body;
enjoyer of subtle dream-objects
tamas. qualities of darkness, dullness,
error, ignorance, delusion, inactivity,
sluggishness, heaviness, inertia, folly and evil;
last and lowest of the three qualities
[gunas] of nature associated with
destruction and diseases, and is seen as a form of
inexplicable ignorance that lulls the spiritual
being away from his true nature
tamasa [tamasha]. overwhelmed by the
darkness of ignorance; transactions between
physical bodies
tamoguna. action which is limiting, localising,
encircling, internalising and confining; absorbed
by the quality of ignorance; gross, inert and
visible; basis of all mental and physical forms and
forces; originating from ignorance, it leads to
extremes or slothfulness
tanmatras. atoms; the pure, rudimentary
elements; the subtle essence of the five
tantra. a manual of or a particular path of
sadhana laying great stress upon japa of a mantra
and other esoteric practices relating to the powers
latent in the human complex of physical, astral,
and causal bodies in relation to the cosmic power
usually thought of as the divine feminine
tanumanasa. thread-like or "weakened" state
of mind which arises from disinterestedness in the
pleasure of the senses; a thinning out of mental
activities; when on account of the knowledge of its
ultimate unreality revealed by philosophical
thinking and analysis, the mind becomes less and
less assertive, eventually abandoning the many and
remaining fixed on the One; the third stage in the
path of Self-knowledge
tapa. trouble; acute anxiety; anguish;
tapas [tapasya]. austerities;
purificatory actions; penance; an intense spiritual
effort, often involving some sort of bodily
mortification, whose aim is to burn off karma and
spiritual impurities; severe spiritual discipline;
tapatraya. the three miseries to which
mortals are subject daiva, bhuta and atma
[daiva is the painful condition where one has
no control in material life; bhuta is the painful
condition caused by other living entities; atma is
the painful mental condition of troubles and
anxieties pertaining to body and mind]
tarbodham. self-conceit
tarka. reasoning; logic; argumentation;
tarka shastra. a science of dialectics,
logic and reasoning, and art of debate that
analyses the nature of knowledge and its
tat. supreme Reality; that one Reality;
That; that One; Brahman; boundless Self; God
tat tvam asi. "Thou art That"; "You are
Reality"; "That absolute Reality is the essence of
what you really are"; one of the Mahavakyas to be
found in the Chandogya Upanishad of the
Sama Veda
tattva [tattwa]. the Truth; the
tattva jnana. knowledge of Reality or
tattva jnani. a person who knows the Reality
as himself
tejas. splendor; radiance; brilliancy; the
element of fire; luster; effulgence
thanmaya nishta. the state of absolutely
being That in truth
tirtha. a sacred place of pilgrimage; a river
or body of water in which it is auspicious and
spiritual beneficial to bathe; the water offered in
ritual worship and then sprinkled on or drunk by
the devotees
titiksha. fortitude; patient forbearance of
suffering; patient endurance of all sorrow or pain
which is conducive to happiness; endurance of
opposites; tolerance
tivra mumukshutva. intense, earnest and
consuming desire for liberation
trailokyanatha. the Lord of of the three
trayate. preserves; protects; gives
deliverance; grants liberation
treta yuga. the age where there is the
introduction of ignorance; this yuga [age]
lasts 1,296 million years and the lifespan of
humans is up to 10,000 years; the second of four
trigunas. the three gunas or qualities
sattva, rajas, and tamas
trigunatita. beyond the three gunas
triloka. the three worlds of existence
[1. bhuloka "earth world", the physical
plane | 2. antarloka "inner or in-between
world", the subtle or astral plane | 3. sivaloka
"world of Shiva" and of the gods and highly
evolved souls, the causal plane]; the triple
world of samsara
trimurti. the three forms Brahman,
Vishnu and Shiva; the hindu trinity
triputis. the triple form; the trinities of
seer-seeing-seen and knower-knowing-known
trishna. thirst; craving; desire
turiya [turyaga]. the "fourth"; the
fourth state which underlies the three alternating
states of realitive consciousness waking,
dream and deep sleep [dreamless];
superconsciousness; perpetual samadhi; witness
consciousness, ever-present, undivided and
unchanging; transcendental awareness; oneness; when
the mystic experience of being one with the Reality
is realised in consciousness; the one who attains
this state is called a jivanmukta and does not
perform activities, either by his will or the
promptings of others
turiya ananda. bliss experienced in the
state of Turiya, the fourth state
turiyatita. "transcending the fourth";
beyond Turiya [Sri Ramana occasionally used the
word Turiyatita to indicate that there are not
really four states but only one real transcendental
turiyavastha. the highest state of
consciousness in which the essential nature of the
Self is experienced; the pure, tranquil and steady
state of superconsciousness in which all
discriminating and differentiating attributes are
transcended and dissolved in the eternal Reality of
Brahman [Sri Ramana stated that the Self was
the underlying Reality which supported the
appearance of the other three temporary states, and
because of this, he sometimes called the Self as
tushti[s]. contentment;
satisfaction; happiness with the status quo
tyaga. abandonment; renunciation; rejection;
giving up
tyagi. a renouncer; an ascetic
uchadana. driving one out with the force of
udana. the fifth of the five vital airs,
whose seat is in the neck, which is responsible for
controlling the ability to ascend, rise up and
grow; the general force of assimilation that rules
the region of the body above the larynx and governs
the use of the special inner sense of intuition;
associated with the upward movement of the
kundalini in the subtle body; its prevalent element
is ether
uddhava. "conviction becoming firm"
uddiyana bandha. a lower abdominal lock
often described as bringing the navel to the base
of the spine; most important bandha as it supports
the breathing and encourages the development of
strong core muscles
ujji. "to be victorious"
ujjayi. "victorious breath"; a breathing
technique performed with breath-synchronised
movements [vinyasa] which consists of
inhalation and exhalation; the ujjayi breath is
typically done in association with yigic
upadesa. "of this instruction"; the
spiritual guidance or teaching given by a Guru;
spiritual instruction; teaching; initiation
upadhi. "limited by"; limitation; external
imposition; a term used in vedanta philosophy for
any superimposition that gives a limited view of
the true Reality and makes It appear as the
relative, like the body of a man or animal is the
upadhi of its spirit; one of many conditions of
body and mind obscuring the true Self which needs
to be removed for the attainment of liberation
upadhi ananda. bliss rising from something
external and limited
upalakshita. "indicated by"
upanishads. philosophical writings of the
ancient sages of India on the knowledge of absolute
Reality, forming the final part of the
uparati. renunciation of activities that are
not duties; cessation of activities related to
caste, creed or family; the power to ensure that
the senses may not once again be drawn toward
worldly objects; indifference toward the enjoyment
of sense-objects; total calmness; tranquillity
upasana. "sitting near" or "drawing near";
worship; adoration; devout meditation;
uninterrupted meditation upon a deity or a form or
a word like OM
until one becomes that deity or form or word
[it is a technique which is not
generally followed nowadays and its modern
equivalent is bhakti or devotion]; experience
of the natural state during spiritual practice
utpatti. coming into existence; arising;
occurrence; birth; origin
utsava. festival; celebration
uttama. superior; highest; best
vac. mystic speech
vada. "doctrine"; "way"
vaidika dharma. a diverse body of religion,
philosophy, and cultural practice native to and
predominant in India, characterised by a belief in
reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and
natures, by the view that opposing theories are
aspects of one eternal Truth, and by a desire for
liberation from earthly evils
vaikunta. the paradise of Vishnu
vairagi. a renunciate
vairagya. dispassion; absence of worldly
desires; detachment; desirelessness; disinterest;
indifference towards and disgust for all worldly
things and enjoyments; one of the four
prerequisites for qualification as a spiritual
aspirant of vedanta
vaishnava. the devotion or worship of Lord
Vishnu, or his associated Avatars such as Lord Rama
and Lord Krishna; a devotee of Vishnu
vaisya [vaishya]. the third of the
four castes of hindu social order consisting of
agriculturists, cattle raisers and traders, but
over time they came to be landowners, traders and
money-lenders [in a Vaisya, rajas predominates,
and he does the duty of ploughing, protection of
cattle and trade]
vaisvanara. the cosmic man in the field of
the waking state; consciousness turned outward; the
cosmic being, the person who feels, and has the
consciousness that He is all this cosmos; the
nature of the waking consciousness, both in its
individual and cosmic aspects; the Self reigning
supreme in the physical cosmos; enjoyer of gross
vakra. bend; deformity
vakya. word or statement
valmiki. the first poet of India, author of
the Ramayana and the Yoga
van. having; possessing; master
vanaprastha. a forest dweller; also the
third stage of life in which, leaving home and
children, the husband and wife dwell together in
seclusion and contemplation as a preparation to
taking sannyasa
varenyam. the most adorable; finest;
beloved; the excellent one; worthy of worship;
worthy of being sought
varistha. the most excellent or best; most
preferable among; widest; broadest; largest; most
varna[s]. caste; social order; in
traditional hindu society there were four divisions
or castes according to the individual's nature and
aptitude Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and
Sudra and this division is according to the
guna and karma
varuna. a vedic deity considered the
sustainer of the universe and also the presiding
deity of the oceans and water
varuni. pertaining to water
varuni dharana. contemplation of Lord
vasana. latent tendency; an inherent
tendency and inclination due to conditioning which
impels the mind to project and witness an illusory
world; subtle impressions that lead to desires;
mental conditioning or habit, such as like and
dislike, that make the mind behave the way it does;
subtle desire which is the cause of birth and
experience in general
vasanakshaya. the destruction of all latent
tendencies; annihilation of subtle desires and
vashikara. mastery; control, especially
complete control; power
vasistha. one of the most famous of vedic
seers of Truth
vastu. the ultimate substance
vastu-tattvam. the underlying existence of
vasudeva. "He who dwells in the hearts of
all things"
vasu. dweller or dwelling
vasus. eight elemental gods representing
aspects of nature, representing cosmic natural
phenomenon [Agni, Prithvi, Varu, Antariksha,
Aditya, Dyaus, Chandramas and Nakstrani];
attendant deities of Indra and Vishnu
vayu. the air element; air current related to
the "airy" vital forces of the body; vedic God of
the wind; the vayus or air currents exist both in
the physical and subtle bodies, functioning through
the body, mind and senses [the five major vayus
are prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana]
veda. knowledge; wisdom; understanding;
revealed scripture
vedanta. "the end of the Vedas"; the
philosophy based primarily on the
Upanishads which leads to the end of
knowledge; there are three main schools of vedanta
dvaita, advaita and kevala advaita; the
vedantic essence is "God only is real. The
world is unreal. The individual is none other than
God." [the practice of vedanta is to destroy
ignorance by exercising the will over attachment to
the unreal, and by overcoming fear and anxiety by
finding the bliss in the Eternal. The aspirant is
guided by a realised Guru, until he/she attains the
final understanding that there is no duality
between Guru and God. The beauty of vedanta is that
it transcends dry philosophy and mere intellectual
concept. Vedanta is an actual life experience, a
philosophy in practice]
vedantin. a follower of vedanta
vedas. the most ancient Hindu scriptures which
state that all matter is derived from
consciousness; the system of knowledge which
perceives the universe as an intelligent, conscious
whole; the four Vedas are the
Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda
and Atharvaveda
vibhu. all-pervasive; great
vibhuti. sacred ash from a fire sacrifice;
manifestations of divine power or glory;
prosperity; splendor; greatness; quality of
vichara[na] [vicarana].
enquiry into the nature of Self, Reality or Truth
[when Ramana Maharshi used this term he refers
specifically to the practice of Self-enquiry];
the inner quest; discrimination between the Real
and the unreal; ever-present reflection on the why
and wherefore of things; process of transcending
illusion of persona as separate from Self; the
second stage in the path of Self-knowledge
vichara marg[a]. the path of
vichara shakti. power of enquiry
videha. bodiless
videhi. one without a body; living in the
world of objects and bodies, but not being of the
videhamukta. one who is liberated at death;
liberated one who has no body
videhamukti. liberation after death;
Self-realisation after leaving the body
vidvan. a knower; usually applied to a
knower of the Self as distinct from the body; one
who is learned
vidvat sannyasa. renunciation after the
attainment of the knowledge of Reality;
renunciation by the wise
vidveshana. causing mutual hatred between
vidya. knowledge; both spiritual knowledge
and mundane knowledge
vihara. a secluded place in which to walk;
dwelling or refuge used by wandering monks during
the rainy season; shrine
vijaya[m]. victory; triumph
vijnana. perfect knowledge of the Self;
primary consciousness; Final Reality; pure
vijnana marg[a]. the path of
discriminate knowledge; discriminating the Real
from the unreal
vijnanavada. "Doctrine of Consciousness";
one of two major schools of Mahayana buddhism which
holds that Reality is consciousness only and all
that exists are minds and their experiences
[the mind is real but the world of objects does
not have an existence independent from
vijnanavadin. a follower of Vijnanavada; one
who regards mental activity as itself the Final
vikalpa. conditioned mind; doubt; wrong
concept; imagination; fantasy; mental construct;
vikara. change; change of form;
modification, generally with reference to the
modification of the mind
vikshepa. distractions; dispersion;
scattering; illusory projection; the tossing of the
mind which obstructs concentration; consequent
bewilderment or perplexity bringing agitation; the
mental activity which brings upon the screen of the
Self enveloping illusions producing the apparently
real appearance of an external world
vimala. purity; unblemished; without stain
or defect
vimarsha. consideration; examination; test;
reasoning; discussion; knowledge; intelligence;
vinaya. humility; sense of propriety;
manners; rule of conduct; education; mental culture
and refinement; discipline
vinyasa. the linking of body movement with
breath; a specific sequence of breath-synchronised
movements used to transition between sustained
vinyasa yoga. a series of poses that move
through the power of inhaling and exhaling;
smoothly flowing movements that interlink
vipaka. a type of transformation; ripening;
resultant; fruition
viparita. inverted; reversed; contrary
viparita buddhi. a wrong conception
viparita karani. "Legs-Up-the-Wall" yogic
posture [asana]
viparyaya. erroneous cognition; wrong
knowledge; illusion; misapprehension; distraction
of mind
viraj. the macrocosm; the manifested
universe; the world man the masculine
potency in nature in contradistinction to the
feminine potency
virat. the cosmic form of the Self, as the
cause of the gross world; the all-pervading spirit
in the form of the universe
virodhat. opposition; conflict;
virya. creative power or might; strength;
energy; courage
visha. poison
vishaya. sense object; object of perception
or enjoyment; subject matter; content; areas;
range; field-object domain; sphere; realm, scope;
matters of enjoyment or experience; doubt
vishaya chaitanya. consciousness as objects;
the object known; the consciousness determined by
the object cognised
vishaya vasanas. predisposition towards
sense enjoyments
vishaya vritti. thought of sensual
vishesha. special; distinctive
qualification; distinguishable; particularity;
vishishta. "qualified by" particularity
vishishtadvaita. the doctrine of qualified
vishnu. God as the preserver and sustainer
of the universe; the all-pervading; one of the
hindu trinity
vishoka. blissful; serene; free of grief,
suffering or sorrow
vishuddha. goally pure; totally pure
vishwa [visva]. "of the universe";
cosmos; all-pervasive; the Self identified with the
experiencer of the waking state
vishwarupa. universal, cosmic form; having
all forms
visvedevas. the various vedic gods taken
together as a whole
vitaraga. free from attachment; one who has
abandoned desire and attachment; a sannyasi
vitarka. thought; reasoning; cogitation with
sense perception; discussion; debate; logical
vittaishana. desire for wealth
vivarta. illusory appearance; doctrine of
creation as an illusory manifestation of the
Absolute; seeming change; superimposition; dream
viveka. wisdom; discrimination between
the Real and the unreal, between the Self and the
non-Self, between the permanent and the
impermanent; right intuitive discrimination; one of
the four prerequisites for qualification as a
spiritual aspirant of vedanta; the foremost quality
required for a fruitful enquiry
viveka-vairagya. intelligent detachment
viveki. a man of discrimination
vividisha sannyasa. renunciation for the
purpose of knowing Reality
viyoga. separation
vrata. a rite; an observance; vow; a
resolution; rule of conduct
vritti. an idea; a thought; activity of the
mind; thought-wave; a way of behaviour; a tendency
which gives scope for the mind to express a variety
of feelings and emotions; a result of past actions
and experiences that has left an imprint on the
vyadhi. disease of the body
vyavaharika [the empirical Self]
vyakta. manifested; having form; the
super-personal; revealed; evident; reflection in
consciousness as "I am"
vyakta bhuk. controlling all physical
vyakti. the personal; the individual; the
totality of physical and vital processes
vyakti samsthatvam. individuality
vyana. the fourth of the five vital airs
responsible for the circulation of blood and
controlling the capacity for self-expression
[legs and arms region]; the prevalent
element is earth
vyarama. discomfort and disease
vyasa. one of the greatest sages of India,
commentator on the Yoga Sutras, author of
the Mahabharata [which includes the
Bhagavad Gita], the Brahma
Sutras, and the codifier of the
vyasti. finite; individual;
vyavaharika [vyavahara]. the
empirical Self; phenomenal or empirical world;
relative worldly activity
vyavaharika jiva. the reflection of
consciousness in the mind which considers itself as
"I" because of identification with the mind and
takes the world as real in the waking state; full
of ego and entrapped in samsara
vyavaharika satya. the relative appearance
of the world experienced in the waking condition;
empirical reality; world reflection; wordly
affairs; transaction; the dual state of reference
as opposed to absolute being
vyavasayatmika. one with resolution and
vyoma. ether; the sky
vyutthana. rising up; awakening; emergence;
externalisation; outgoing; rising; waking state; a
stage in yoga
yajna [yagna]. a ritual of sacrifice
performed to please the gods or to attain certain
wishes; ceremony in which an essential element is
the sacrificial fire into which oblations are
poured, as everything that is offered into the fire
is believed to reach the gods; offering
yajurveda. the second of the four
Vedas, dating from between 1400-1000 BC,
consisting of formulas [mantras] to be
recited by the officiating priest during
sacrifices; "sacrificial formula"
yakshas. a broad class of nature-spirits,
usually benevolent, who are caretakers of the
natural treasures hidden in the earth and tree
roots; beings controlled by Kubera, the God of
yama. the Lord of death
yamas. self-restraint; moral codes of
conduct divided into five injuctions that should
all be practiced in word, thought and deed
non-violence, truthfulness, moderation in all
things [also referes to celibacy],
non-stealing and non-covetousness; the "shall-not"
in dealings with the external world; the first of
the eight limbs of ashtanga yoga
yantra. objects for ritualistic worship;
geometrical designs of the energy patterns made by
mantras when they are recited or which, when
concentrated on produce the effects of the
corresponding mantras
yathasukham. transcendent bliss
yatna. effort; activity of will
yati. a wanderer; a wandering ascetic
yatra. pilgrimage
yatri. a pilgrim
yo. "He who"; "the one who"; "You"
yoga. "union"; union with the Reality;
fusion of individual self with the universal Self;
spiritual practice designed to purify one's mind
and bring one closer to Self-realisation; the
practice of stilling the mind, whereby thoughts,
memories, emotions, associations and perceptions
are refocused onto the Reality and where a natural
disgarding takes place; there are four main paths
of yoga karma, bhakti, raja and jnana
yogasana. yogic poses
yoga marg[a]. the path of meditation
and inner purification leading to union with
Reality; path of effort
yoga maya. the power to veil the nature of
something and to create an illusory appearance; the
power of manifestation
yoga nidra. a state of half-contemplation
and half-sleep; light yogic sleep when the
individual retains slight awareness; a state
between sleep and wakefulness
yoga shakti. cosmic energy
yoga siddhi. spiritual psychic power
resulting from the practice of yoga
yoga sutras. the oldest known writing on the
subject of yoga, written by the sage Patanjali, a
yogi of ancient India, and considered to be the
most authoritative text on yoga; also known as
Yoga Darshana, it is the basis of the yoga
philosophy which is based on the philosophical
system known as Sankhya
yoga vasistha. a classical treatise on yoga,
containing the instructions of the rishi Vasistha
to Lord Rama on meditation and spiritual life,
which is divided into six parts dispassion,
qualifications of the seeker, creation, existence,
dissolution and liberation
yoga yogi. those who have reached the state
of bodiless consciousness through pranayama
yogi[n]. perfect renouncer; one who
seeks happiness within; one who practices yoga; one
who strives earnestly for union with Reality
[they who know through the eye of intuition
opened by meditation and the
instructions of the Guru and the scriptures, that
the self is insentient, the doer, changing
and finite,
and that the true Self is pure consciousness, the
non-doer, unchanging and infinite,
and who also perceive the non-existence of nature,
ignorance, the unmanifested, the
material cause of
being they attain the Supreme]
yuga. age or cycle in which we keep
circulating one after another; aeon; world era; a
several million year long period of hindu cosmology
which is subdivided into four smaller units
Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali Yugas and we
are currently 5000 years into the Kali Yuga
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